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Load more data when filter returns no matches

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Gregory asked on 24 Nov 2018, 06:21 PM
I'm currently using a DataGrid that uses incremental loading to increase load time. When I use a FilterDescriptor to filter the rows in the DataGrid it will only look through the currently loaded rows. Is there a way I can load in more data when the FitlerDescriptor returns no rows?

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answered on 27 Nov 2018, 12:26 PM
Hello Gregory,

You could achieve the described approach through DataGrid FilterRequested command.

You would need to create a class, for example MyFilterRequestedCommand, that inherits from DataGridCommand. Then handle the FilterRequested action as a command. and override its CanExecute and Execute methods. Inside the Execute method you can get the items after filtering using the DataView and implement your custom logic is there is no data after filtering.

Please take a look at the MainPage.xaml.cs file how this could be implemented. I have also left comments for reference.

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