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LinearAxis Maximum and ActualRange

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Ioan asked on 15 May 2014, 01:31 PM
I have a chart with 3 BarSeries and each one can be hidden. The problem occurs when I hide the BarSerie with the biggest value. The LinearAxis does not rescale and keeps the maximum. ActualRange.Maximum cannot be set, and LinearAxis.Maximum has no effect. Is there a way to reset ActualRange whenever I hide a BarSerie?
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Telerik.Charting;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.Charting;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.ChartView;
using TelerikCharts.Internal;
namespace TelerikCharts
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        public MainPage()
            DataContext = new TelerikChartsTestsModel() { refChart = chart,refLinearAxis = linearAxis};
    public class TelerikChartsTestsModel : BusyBase
        public RadCartesianChart refChart;
        public LinearAxis refLinearAxis;
        List<ConsumptionDay> _consumptionDaysWeek1=new List<ConsumptionDay>()
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Monday",Value=10}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Tuesday",Value=20}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Wednesday",Value=15}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Thursday",Value=30}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Friday",Value=25}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Saturday",Value=13}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Sunday",Value=14}},
        List<ConsumptionDay> _consumptionDaysWeek2 = new List<ConsumptionDay>()
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Monday",Value=20}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Tuesday",Value=40}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Wednesday",Value=30}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Thursday",Value=60}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Friday",Value=50}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Saturday",Value=26}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Sunday",Value=28}},
        List<ConsumptionDay> _consumptionDaysWeek3 = new List<ConsumptionDay>()
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Monday",Value=30}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Tuesday",Value=60}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Wednesday",Value=45}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Thursday",Value=90}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Friday",Value=75}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Saturday",Value=39}},
            {new ConsumptionDay(){Day="Sunday",Value=42}},
        private bool _consumptionDaysWeek1Enabled;
        private bool _consumptionDaysWeek2Enabled;
        private bool _consumptionDaysWeek3Enabled;
        private double _maximum=double.PositiveInfinity;
        private ChartSeriesCombineMode _barCombineMode = ChartSeriesCombineMode.Cluster;
        public TelerikChartsTestsModel()
        public double Maximum
            get { return _maximum; }
                _maximum = value;
        public bool ConsumptionDaysWeek1Enabled
            get { return _consumptionDaysWeek1Enabled; }
                _consumptionDaysWeek1Enabled = value;
        public bool ConsumptionDaysWeek2Enabled
            get { return _consumptionDaysWeek2Enabled; }
                _consumptionDaysWeek2Enabled = value;
        public bool ConsumptionDaysWeek3Enabled
            get { return _consumptionDaysWeek3Enabled; }
                _consumptionDaysWeek3Enabled = value;
        public List<ConsumptionDay> ConsumptionDaysWeek1
            get { return _consumptionDaysWeek1; }
                _consumptionDaysWeek1 = value;
        public List<ConsumptionDay> ConsumptionDaysWeek2
            get { return _consumptionDaysWeek2; }
                _consumptionDaysWeek2 = value;
        public List<ConsumptionDay> ConsumptionDaysWeek3
            get { return _consumptionDaysWeek3; }
                _consumptionDaysWeek3 = value;
        public ChartSeriesCombineMode BarCombineMode
                return this._barCombineMode;
                _barCombineMode = value;
    public class ConsumptionDay
        public string Day { get; set; }
        public int Value { get; set; }

<UserControl x:Class="TelerikCharts.MainPage"
        mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480">
        <converters:BoolVisibility x:Key="BoolVisibility" />
        <converters:BoolCombineModeCluster x:Key="BoolCombineModeCluster" />
        <telerik:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="VisibilityOfBool" />
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"></ColumnDefinition>
            <!--<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>-->
        <telerik:RadCartesianChart  x:Name="chart" Palette="Metro"   >
                    Visibility="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek1Enabled, Converter={StaticResource VisibilityOfBool}}"
                    IsEnabled="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek1Enabled}"
                    CombineMode="{Binding Path=ConsumptionDaysWeek1Enabled, Converter={StaticResource BoolCombineModeCluster}}"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek1}">
                    Visibility="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek2Enabled, Converter={StaticResource VisibilityOfBool}}"
                    IsEnabled="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek2Enabled}"
                    CombineMode="{Binding Path=ConsumptionDaysWeek2Enabled, Converter={StaticResource BoolCombineModeCluster}}"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek2}">
                    Visibility="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek3Enabled, Converter={StaticResource VisibilityOfBool}}"
                    IsEnabled="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek3Enabled}"
                    CombineMode="{Binding Path=ConsumptionDaysWeek3Enabled, Converter={StaticResource BoolCombineModeCluster}}"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek3}">
                <telerik:LinearAxis x:Name="linearAxis" />
                IsChecked="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek1Enabled, Mode=TwoWay}">
                IsChecked="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek2Enabled, Mode=TwoWay}">
                IsChecked="{Binding ConsumptionDaysWeek3Enabled, Mode=TwoWay}">

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answered on 16 May 2014, 10:26 AM
Found a fix, not very elegant, but it works.
To trigger update on ActualRange values, I update the ItemsSource value with null (if disabled) or the list (if enabled)
refChart.Series[0,1 or 2].ItemsSource = enabled ? ConsumptionList : null;
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 20 May 2014, 12:16 PM
Hello Ioan,

Note that after the series data points are plotted on the chart even if you set the Visibility of the series to Collapsed, this series won't be removed and therefore the axis won't change its range. This is why in order to change the axis range you will need to remove the ItemsSource of the series or the series itself.

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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