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Latest online resources for RadControls for Windows 8 HTML

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Telerik Admin
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Telerik Admin asked on 05 Jul 2013, 04:21 PM
This article will list the newest support resources for RadControls for Windows 8 HTML each week.

This week's new resources are:

List Controls Methods
New articles about the public methods for interaction with RadAutoCompleteBox, RadComboBox, RadDropDownList and RadTokenInput.

Read Operations
A new article about performing Read operations in Telerik DataStorage. It describes how to get, sort and filter data using the component's fluent API.

Updated the DataSource filtering article with information about applying composite filter expressions.

Added information about defining group aggregates in DataSource.

Style Columns Individually
A new article showing how to use the attribute properties of RadGrid columns to provide specific styles to certain columns.

Create a Calculated Column
A new article that explains how to define a column that displays calculated values from multiple fields.

Basic HTML Output and CSS Classes
A new article describing the HTML output and CSS classes that you could use to customize the look of RadNumericBox.

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Jul 2013, 11:52 AM
Getting Started with your first Windows 8 HTML app using RadControls – Part 1
The first post of a new series of blog posts that show you how to get started with RadControls for Windows 8 HTML.

New articles about Insert, Update and Delete records are added to the DataStorage help.

Best Practices
An article describing best practices for binding and using RadChart.

Best Practices
An article describing best practices for binding and using RadGrid.

Telerik team
answered on 02 Aug 2013, 02:14 PM
This week's new resources:

Getting Started with your first Windows 8 HTML app using RadControls – Part 2
The second post of a the series of blog posts that show you how to get started with RadControls for Windows 8 HTML.

Create Date Picker Using RadCalendar
A new example in the Windows 8 HTML SDK on GitHub. It shows how you can create a web style date picker using RadCalendar and input elements.
Telerik team
answered on 16 Aug 2013, 02:40 PM
A new example this week:

Customizing Chart Appearance
A new example in the SDK on GitHub. It shows how you can customize RadChart series, axes, legend, plot area, etc.
Telerik team
answered on 02 Sep 2013, 07:55 AM
Latest RadControls for Windows 8 resources:

New keyboard support articles for RadAutoCompleteBox, RadComboBox, RadDropDownList and RadTokenInput.

API Methods
A new article describing the public methods exposed by Telerik.Data.DataSource and their usage.

Free Text Input
New article about allowing free text input in RadTokenInput. This way your user can not only choose from the predefined options but also add their own text selection.

SDK Examples
Restaurant Menu
There is a new example in the Telerik Windows 8 HTML SDK in GitHub. It shows how to use DataStorage's fluent API to populate, filter and edit data in RadControls for Windows 8 HTML.
Telerik team
answered on 06 Sep 2013, 11:36 AM
This weeks new resource:

Using RadControls in WinJS.Binding.Template
A new example in the GitHub SDK. It shows how to put a complex databound RadControl in a WinJS.Binding.Template. The implementation uses a custom binidng initializer which is described in more detail here and here.
Telerik team
answered on 16 Sep 2013, 08:24 AM
This week's new resource:

Choose a Color with RGB Sliders
A new help article showing how to use RadSlider to control the RGB values of a colored element in the page.
Telerik team
answered on 10 Oct 2013, 07:51 AM
This week's new resources:

RadScheduler (new control)
Scheduler Overview
A new section in the documentation describing the new RadScheduler for Windows 8 HTML.

RadRadialMenu (new control)
RadRadialMenu Overview
A new set of documentation articles introducing the new RadRadialMenu for Windows 8 HTML.

RadColorPicker (new control)
RadColorPicker Overview
A new documentation section with articles describing RadColorPicker for Windows 8 HTML.

Schema with indices support
An article about the new schema feature that allows you to define types for your fields, indices for faster searching, auto-increment fields, etc.

Integration with DataStorage
A new article describing how you can bind to DataStorage using a new transport type in DataSource.

Date Selection
A new article about the selection types in RadCalendar and the new related calendars feature.

Telerik team
answered on 25 Oct 2013, 02:49 PM
This week's new resources:

Recurring Events
A new article that elaborates on working with recurring events in RadScheduler.

Filtering RadScheduler Dynamically
A new SDK example that shows how to apply filtering to RadScheduler. In this specific example, events are filtered by the city they take place in, using checkboxes.
Telerik team
answered on 08 Nov 2013, 03:23 PM
This week's new resources:

Binding RadGrid to Data Storage
A new article showing how to bind RadGrid to data from a local database, using the Data Storage component.

Insert a RadColorPicker Control in RadRadialMenu
A new article showing how to useRadColorPicker in RadRadialMenu.

SDK Examples
A new folder with two examples was added for RadRadialMenu in the SDK examples on GitHub.

Binding RadScheduler to Data Storage
An article showing how to bind RadGrid to data from a local database, using the Data Storage component.

Styling Scheduler Elements
A new article that shows how to style various parts of the RadScheduler control.

Interact with RadScheduler Programmatically
A reference article, describing the public methods exposed by RadScheduler and their usage.
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Telerik Admin
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Telerik team
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