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Telerik Admin
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Telerik Admin
asked on 26 Jun 2013, 03:55 PM
In this thread you will find useful information regarding the breaking changes or severe bugs that have appeared in the current release of Telerik OpenAccess ORM.
Please subscribe for the thread in case you are frequently updating OpenAccess ORM - this way you will have an early warning in case somebody in the OpenAccess community has identified an issue that might be important for your implementation, or for the breaking changes that we have preliminary defined.
Please subscribe for the thread in case you are frequently updating OpenAccess ORM - this way you will have an early warning in case somebody in the OpenAccess community has identified an issue that might be important for your implementation, or for the breaking changes that we have preliminary defined.
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Q2 2013
Bug Report: A bug is identified in Bulk Delete functionality
For some scenarios involving one to many relationships, we have found that the Bulk Delete functionality (the DeleteAll method of the context) malfunctions and can delete the wrong records in child tables.
The recommendation of the OpenAccess ORM team is to restrict using the Bulk Delete API in production environments until Q2 2013 SP1, where the bug will be handled. Needless to say, we will make sure that the service pack is released ASAP.
The other runtime functions of the product are not compromised in any way, so you can continue using the release otherwise.
Bug Report: A bug is identified in Bulk Delete functionality
For some scenarios involving one to many relationships, we have found that the Bulk Delete functionality (the DeleteAll method of the context) malfunctions and can delete the wrong records in child tables.
The recommendation of the OpenAccess ORM team is to restrict using the Bulk Delete API in production environments until Q2 2013 SP1, where the bug will be handled. Needless to say, we will make sure that the service pack is released ASAP.
The other runtime functions of the product are not compromised in any way, so you can continue using the release otherwise.
Q3 2013
Bug Report: Vertical inheritance with auto-incremented keys failing based on alphabetical sorting
When vertical inheritance was used with auto-incremented identities, inserting objects in the database was failing in case the derived class name precedes the base class name alphabetically.
This issue is fixed in the latest internal build 2013.3.1101.1.
Bug Report: Vertical inheritance with auto-incremented keys failing based on alphabetical sorting
When vertical inheritance was used with auto-incremented identities, inserting objects in the database was failing in case the derived class name precedes the base class name alphabetically.
This issue is fixed in the latest internal build 2013.3.1101.1.
Q3 2013 SP1
2013.3.1211.3Bug Report: AttachCopy() method used on an entity in M:M relationship could lead to data loss
When attaching a detached entity, Telerik Data Access handles the entity relationships appropriately. However, when the entity has not been detached from another context within the same application tier (for instance - a deserialized entity is provided by a web service), the method wrongly assumes that missing join table items should be deleted in the database. We advise you to avoid using this method for deserialized entities with M:M associations until this issue is fixed in Q1 2014. As a workaround, you can copy the values manually in such cases.
Q3 2013 SP2
Important Changes
Important Changes
- Telerik OpenAccess ORM renamed to Telerik Data Access
- Re-branding: Colors and logos are now changed to match the new Telerik branding
- BREAKING CHANGE: HasProperty() method in Fluent API when used for Arrays mapping - The HasProperty overload with the following signature
ArrayPropertyConfiguration<TEntity, System.Array> HasProperty<TValue>( Expression<Func<TEntity, System.Array>> expression)
is changed to
ArrayPropertyConfiguration<TEntity, IList<TValue>> HasProperty<TValue>(Expression<Func<Tentity, IList<TValue>>> expression) - BREAKING CHANGE: HasProperty() method in Fluent API when used for String Arrays mapping - The HasProperty overload with the following signature
StringArrayPropertyConfiguration<TEntity, string[]> HasProperty<TValue>( Expression<Func<TEntity, string[]>> expression)
is changed to
StringArrayPropertyConfiguration <TEntity, IList<string>> HasProperty<TValue>(Expression<Func<Tentity, IList<string>>> expression) - BREAKING CHANGE: GenericPropertyConfiguration not used anymore for mapping IList properties - The ArrayPropertyConfiguration is now returned when mapping IList properties instead. Using any consecutive Fluent methods specific for GenericPropertyConfiguration (i.e. IsNullable()) after mapping to IList will cause compile-time errors.
- OpenAccess NuGet packages renamed - The NuGet packages OpenAccess.CodeOnly, OpenAccess.CodeOnly.Sample and OpenAccess.Core are now deprecated. A new set of NuGets is provided instead - Telerik.DataAccess.Fluent, Telerik.DataAccess.Fluent.Sample, and Telerik.DataAccess.Core.
- Visual Studio 2008 not supported anymore - Visual Studio 2008 will not be supported anymore by Telerik Data Access. You are invited to use the contemporary versions 2010, 2012 or 2013. For more information, see this blog post.
- Oracle 9i not supported anymore - Oracle 9i is not tested anymore with Telerik Data Access. We strongly advise you to migrate to the contemporary versions 10, 11 or 12. For more information, see this blog post.
- "Classic" Wizards not supported anymore - The "OpenAccess Classic" wizards will not be supported anymore. We strongly advise you to migrate to the new mapping approaches of Telerik Data Access - Visual Designer or Code-Only (Fluent) Mapping. For more information, see this blog post.
- MySQL 5.0 not supported anymore - Telerik Data Access is not tested anymore against the legacy 5.0 version of MySQL. We strongly advise you to migrate to the more contemporary versions of MySQL. For more information, see this blog post.