Kendo grid column on streching to right or left showing weird behavior having set resizable attribute to true.

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Telerik Trainer
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Naveed asked on 06 Jan 2023, 03:13 PM

here is the example the column is jumping to right and left...

Telerik team
commented on 06 Jan 2023, 03:32 PM

Hello, Naveed,

It seems that the product in this forum thread is not specified. Could you please specify what is the exact Kendo product that you are currently using? Thus, the appropriate community would gladly assist you.

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Rank 1
commented on 06 Jan 2023, 06:48 PM

Kendo React
Telerik team
commented on 09 Jan 2023, 07:17 PM

Thank you for the reply, Naveed and the video provided in your other thread.

Unfortunately it is hard to understand the exact issue only by looking at the video. Can you prepare and send us a small Stackblitz sample where we can replicate the issue and debug further what is causing it?

I addition, I would ask you to continue the conversation only in this thread so we can keep the information consistent.

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

Telerik Trainer
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