I saw ur example on this link http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/silverlight/radcontrols-for-silverlight-3-official/create-custom-theme-dll-for-q3-2009.aspx#1007817
Follows same instruction give in above link
In custom theme project
I had create a class which inherit from Theme
class CustomeWindows7_Theme:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Theme
public CustomeWindows7_Theme()
Source =
new Uri("/Themes/MyGeneric.xaml",UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
and it works.
It work when I write like this in .xaml file
customTheme:CustomeWindows7_Theme x:Key="Theme" Source="/TDG.Pulse.Theme.Windows7;Component/Themes/MyGeneric.xaml" IsApplicationTheme="True" />
Even when I specify Source file in above constructor I need to specify Source property once again.
If I haven't specify then I got this error "AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE [Line: 16 Position: 84]"
I don't understant why this comes up... why there is such depedancy way for specifing source property in client
Even It is fine
but my problem is I am not able to apply theme at runtime like this
CustomeWindows7_Theme the = new CustomeWindows7_Theme();
the.Source = new Uri("/TDG.Pulse.Theme.Windows7;Component/Themes/MyGeneric.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
the.IsApplicationTheme = true;
Telerik.Windows.Controls.StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = the;
Telerik Default theme can be apply at runtime..
Is there any mistake I made?
Pls help me out...
9 Answers, 1 is accepted
The above case happened only for silverlight controls. e.g Grid
I wrote Style for Grid also..
That apply in xaml file but if we apply at runtime then theme is not being applied for Grid..
Why this wrong going to happended ?
Even I test it for exapmle which given on this link http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/silverlight/radcontrols-for-silverlight-3-official/create-custom-theme-dll-for-q3-2009.aspx#1007817 attached File name is ::customewindows7theme.zip
same problem is there...
In that example theme applyed in .xaml page.
In that example I added stle for silverlight control "Grid"
Even I applyed theme ar runtime then theme is applied olnly for telerik control not for silverlight control i.e for Grid
Why there is such deference beteen applying theme at design time for silverlight control and applying theme at runtime time for silverlight control.
I am very eager to see this answer...
Pls help me ...
Thanks ,
I'm not sure that I understand your problem correctly. In the first post you have to specify the Source in XAML again because in code it is wrong - you have to specify the source using the ';component' syntax.
That is why it is not working if you don't change it in XAML.
From the second post I assume that you managed to apply Application theme. Now the question is which Grid do you refer - Microsoft DataGrid or Grid panel?
In Silverlight 3 you cannot apply global Styles for Panel classes so it won't work for Grid panel.
If you are talking about Microsoft DataGrid control - we don't provide theme for it, only of RadGridView.
Let me know if you need more information.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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Thanks for reply..
I write ';component' syntax like this in custome theme class
Source =
new Uri("/Theme.Windows7;Component/Themes/MyGeneric.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
still it don't work,
is there any mistake in above statement?
if there,pls give me the proper sytax needed for that...
And you said that,
In Silverlight 3 you cannot apply global Styles for Panel classes so it won't work for Grid panel.
But I write like this,
<customTheme:CustomeWindows7_Theme x:Key="Windows7Theme" Source="/TDG.Pulse.Theme.Windows7;Component/Themes/MyGeneric.xaml" IsApplicationTheme="True" />
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="{StaticResource Windows7Theme}">
Then style applied for Grid also which I wrote in custome theme project..
But When I applied at runtime, then It won't apply
CustomeWindows7_Theme the = new CustomeWindows7_Theme();
the.Source = new Uri("/TDG.Pulse.Theme.Windows7;Component/Themes/MyGeneric.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
the.IsApplicationTheme = true;
So, Is there any other way needed to mention?
If u have any such example which applying custom theme at runtime for Grid Panel , pls share with me....
Pls help me out ...
If this is working:
then you should specify the same source in the theme constructor:
Source =
, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
Using this syntax is not Application theme but a specific theme so this is why it is working:
"{StaticResource Windows7Theme}"
If you don't set it like this - then it won't apply to Grid panel (like you noticed).
Also Application theme should be set in the Application constructor before InitializeComponent method (as early as possible) and changing application theme at runtime in not supported in Silverlight 3.
I hope this answer your questions.
the Telerik team
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You are right...
Thanks For replay
I want to know if changing themes dynamically without refreshing the page is possible with silverlight 4 controls??
thanks in advance
I tried the same thing in Silverlight 3 but it's not posssible at all because we need to update or Refresh RootVisual again if we change theme dymanicaly. This can be possible if u set individualy style of each element.
Even this will not be possible in silverlight 4.
Thanks for the reply. updating rootvisual also is not applying the theme for me.. I have to reload the entire page to apply a theme.... am I doing something wrong here?
You have to bind the StyleManager.Theme attached property of every telerik control. Silverlight does not support changing the theme at runtime.
How do you trigger the refresh of your root visual?
Yavor Georgiev
the Telerik team
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