Insert document inside a run of another document

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Muhammad asked on 20 Dec 2022, 09:06 PM

I'm using RadFlowDocument editor to insert a document in a specific position after a text from run.

So flow is read a document runs and when a text is reach insert another RawFlowDocument in it.

But the problem is always adding it in the end.

I want to insert it at specific position. 

There are total 3 documents that needs to be added at specific position.
The run text shows i am at the right position but the generated document always shows new document in the end.

else if (currentRun.Text.EndsWith("Template»"))

                                    string ebrTemplateName = currentRun.Text.Substring(7, currentRun.Text.Length - 8);
                                    var currentT = ModifyTemplate(ebrTemplateName, jsonToken + "[" + i + "].");
                                    if (currentT != null)

                                       // documents.Enqueue(new DocumentsStack { document = currentT, run = currentRun });


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answered on 23 Dec 2022, 01:07 PM

Hello Muhammad,

I looked at your code snippet and we don't have GetEditorBefore() method. You need to check if the editor is in the correct position you want to insert the second document. I am sending you an example project on how can you achieve the wanted behavior and modify it with your data.

I hope this information is helpful.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

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