I have Html page myPage.html. In that page there is css style sheet and img tag like below
link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
and image like below
<img src="Picture2.png" width="406" height="306"/>
When I browse my html page it displays fine.
I have Two projects one is for Html pages there I placed Html pages, Css styles and required Images
And other is for Xaml pages. In my Xaml page I am calling Html Pages from html project.
To display Htmp page I placed RadHtmlPlaceholder in xaml and code like below
StreamReader streamReader;
streamReader = new StreamReader(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("/HtmlPagePrj;component/HtmlPages/myPage.html", UriKind.Relative)).Stream);
htmlPlaceholderCompanyWeb.HtmlSource = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
By this I can see all text in html but I am not able to see Image as well as styles.
So what could be the reason and please give solution how i can see images