I have set the .Effect property to a custom effect.
In the Image Editor UI, this displays fine, but when i save the image, the effect is not saved. I have coded multiple other changes such as rotate, contrast, etc... and those changes are saved properly, so this can not be due to the code that saves the image. It appears like the effect is not really applied to the image in the editor.
I have following code that should apply the effect to the image:
Grid grid = new Grid();
SepiaEffect sEffect = new SepiaEffect { TintColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 229, 178, 76) };
Image img = new Image { Source = CurrentImageEditor.Image.Bitmap, Effect=sEffect};
CurrentImageEditor.Image = new RadBitmap(CurrentImageEditor.Image.Width, CurrentImageEditor.Image.Height, grid);
But this only works when i first apply a tool to the editor, otherwise it blanks out the image.
How can i make the effect "permanent" on the image editor?