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HTMLPlaceHolder deactivates

3 Answers 38 Views
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Patrik asked on 12 May 2014, 08:27 AM
Hello, we have an issue with the placeholder where it inactivates when it's parent window receives focus.

This is the scenario:
We created a dummy rad window with a rad button in it

In the main window, which is also a RadWindow, the HtmlPlaceHolder works properly when the dummy window receives focus, but when the other RadWindow containing the HTMLPlaceHolder receives focus again, the placeholder is deactivited and the only way activate it again is to repeat the procedure.

We are using a pretty old version of the binaries (2012_2_1009_DEV_hotfix) since we haven't had any chance to upgrade to a newer version.

Do you have a suggestion for how to solve this? We have tried calling "InvalidateArrange" on the HTMLPlaceHolder when the parent window gets focus but it doesn't help.

The structure containing the PlaceHolder looks something like this, if it helps:
RadWindow - RadDocking - RadSplitContainer - RadPaneGroup - RadPane - UserControl - StackPanel - Grid - StackPanel - Border - HtmlPlaceHolder

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Telerik team
answered on 13 May 2014, 12:00 PM
Hello Patrik,

Thank you for contacting us on this issue.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the described behavior (with binaries from 2012_2_1009_DEV_hotfix). However, I might be missing an important part of your implementation. This is why I've attached the test project I used to reproduce the issue - please take a look at it and feel free to modify it in order to show us how to reproduce the described behavior of the RadHtmlPlaceholder.

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answered on 23 May 2014, 01:18 PM
Hello! I'm sorry but I must have missed your reply (I remember a time when I received emails when you replied to my posts, but thats another story).

I haven't really looked much into this issue, but I will get back to you if I can reproduce the error. We will soon upgrade to newer Telerik binaries so hopefully this behavior will dissapear.

Best regards,
Patrik Edberg
Telerik team
answered on 27 May 2014, 08:14 AM
Hi Patrik, 

You can subscribe to receive an email notification from our forum - the button is just above the first post (see here).

We remain available in case you may need additional assistance.

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