I am trying to show the tooltip using SeriesMapping, but nothing appears, I am using the following code:
q7 = from info in q00
group info by info.OkAtendimento into tt
select new KeyValuePair<string, decimal?>((bool)tt.Key ? "Sim" : "NÆo", tt.Sum(info => info.ValorAtual / 1000));
seriesMapping.SeriesDefinition =
new BarSeriesDefinition();
seriesMapping.LegendLabel =
"Valor ($/1000)";
itemMappingValue.FieldName =
itemMappingValue.DataPointMember =
seriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemToolTips =
this.radChart.ItemsSource = q7.ToList();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, decimal?> label in q7.ToList())
this.radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.TickPoints.Add(new TickPoint() { Label = label.Key });
16 Answers, 1 is accepted
I have attached a small example, based on your code, where the tooltips appear as expected. Still, I am not really sure about the itemMappingKey in your code, so I just commented out the only line that mentions it. In addition you can add a formatting to the tooltip:
seriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.ToolTipFormat = "C0";
or take advantage of ItemToolTipOpening event as shown in this example.
Best regards,
the Telerik team
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I did the same way that you shown here in the radcharttooltip.zip file, but here in tooltip only the Y-axis value is coming not X-axis value. I need both X and Y axis value in tooltip. How to do this, please suggest.
actually you are right the Tooltip does work for a seriesMapping i just tested the code you attached to jabson and it even works when i change the chart type to a PieSeriesDefinition so my question is how do you make it work for their 3D counterParts?
for example in my code I am using a Pie3DSeriesDefinition()
how come this line :
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemToolTips = true;
does not work is this by desing or is there something different you have to do when using 3D charts?
here is my code:
#region Sample PieChart 1
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = "Top Suppliers";
//needed for the 3D zoom & interactivity out-of-the-box
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.DefaultView.ChartArea.Extensions.Add(new CameraExtension());
#region series Mapping 1
//specify series Mapping 1 Properties
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1 = new SeriesMapping();
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.LegendLabel = "Sales (Thousands)";
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition = new Pie3DSeriesDefinition(); //BarSeriesDefinition();
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.LegendDisplayMode = LegendDisplayMode.None;
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemLabels = false;
//specify ItemMapping Properties
itemMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1 = new ItemMapping("PercentStrVal", DataPointMember.YValue);
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemToolTips = true;
//Specify RadChart Overiding Properties
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.DefaultView.ChartLegend.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.ItemsSource = GTopSuppliers;
is it possible to Have 2 SeriesMappings each with its own itemMapping and have one series mapping display a PieSeriesDefinition chart and the other SeriesMapping display the Legend items of my Pie Chart?
i seem to be able to do this using the 3D counterpart which is Pie3DSeriesDefinition() but this does not work for the 2D pie why is this can someone explain, cos its seems like i am going a bout this the wrong way trying to switch my 3D pie to a 2D...specifically i cant see to display the Legend items either i just get a default "item 0, item 1, item 2, item 3, item 4, ...." or the Legend items are not displayed at all! all the examples just show the default Legend items but not tied to any data i have tied mine but nothing happens can someone put a code example up in doing this properly using DataBinding: Manual SeriesMapping please...not the default that is easy
by the way here is my Code:
#region Sample PieChart 1
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = "Top Suppliers";
//needed for the 3D zoom & interactivity out-of-the-box
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.DefaultView.ChartArea.Extensions.Add(new CameraExtension());
#region series Mapping 1
//specify series Mapping 1 Properties - Displayes the PieChart
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1 = new SeriesMapping();
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.LegendLabel = "Sales (Thousands)";
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition = new PieSeriesDefinition(); //Pie3DSeriesDefinition
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.LegendDisplayMode = LegendDisplayMode.None;
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemLabels = true;
//specify ItemMapping Properties
itemMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1 = new ItemMapping("PercentStrVal", DataPointMember.YValue);
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemToolTips = true;
//Specify RadChart Overiding Properties
//controls showing the Pie Legend ites which is its Series Mapping 2
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.DefaultView.ChartLegend.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
#region series Mapping 2
//specify series Mapping 2 Properties –Displays the Legend Items for the pieChart works for 3D
seriesMapping_Supplier_Name_Cat1 = new SeriesMapping();
seriesMapping_Supplier_Name_Cat1.LegendLabel = "Sales (Thousands)2";
seriesMapping_Supplier_Name_Cat1.SeriesDefinition = PieSeriesDefinition(); //Pie3DSeriesDefinition
//seriesMapping_Supplier_Name_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.DefaultLabelFormat = "NO";
//specify ItemMapping Properties
itemMapping_Supplier_Name_Cat1 = new ItemMapping("Legend_Value", DataPointMember.LegendLabel);
rct3DPieChartSpendByRef.ItemsSource = GTopSuppliers;
Kingsley Magnus-Eweka
I have attached another page where XCategory is used for axis labels and in the tooltips.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Actually, one SeriesMapping object is intended to serve one DataSeries. You can add many ItemMappings, which will define the content of the different elements of the items:
SeriesMapping seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1 = new SeriesMapping(); |
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.LegendLabel = "Sales (Thousands)"; |
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition = new PieSeriesDefinition(); |
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.LegendDisplayMode = LegendDisplayMode.DataPointLabel; |
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemLabels = true; |
ItemMapping itemMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1 = new ItemMapping("Value", DataPointMember.YValue); |
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.ItemMappings.Add(itemMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1); |
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemToolTips = true; |
itemMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1 = new ItemMapping("Key", DataPointMember.LegendLabel); |
seriesMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1.ItemMappings.Add(itemMapping_Ref_Spend_Cat1); |
I have attached an example as well.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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this is a fantasitic example, and works beautifully, if only it was available in your documentation or the Examples, I know you guys are pretty busy creating amazing controls but i dont mind updating you documentation so that this will take unnessary load of your support and people can ask the really difficult questions or what they dont understand, i am quite serious...if you need someone to update each control in the documentation with straight forward samples like this one you provided i am quite happy to do it, as you can see this SeriesMapping example is not that clear for people doing this the first time in the documentation but thank you very much! keep up the good work
Thanks for the feedback and for your willingness to help. I can assure you that we are working hard on our documentation and with Q3 we plan to drastically improve and enrich our help content.
Best regards,
the Telerik team
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is there a way to get 3D charts to show tooltips?
I've tried to do it through the ItemToolTipFormat property and by using the ItemDataBound event (and setting the DataPoint's tooltip). But it only works for regular series definitions. It does not work with the 3D ones.
Best Regards,
I am afraid RadChart for Silverlight does not support tooltips for the 3D types. Please, accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused by this limitation.
the Telerik team
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thanks for your response. Are you planning to implement this feature in future releases?
I am afraid this would not be possible with our current implementation and the current version of the Silverlight framework. As the framework evolves and new features are added, we will review our implementation and check if this can be improved. Unfortunately, there is nothing certain for the moment, so we cannot provide any time frame for this.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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I am able to get the tooltip for the series, but the problem is I want the tooltip, only when I put my mouse on the datapoint.
I am able to get the tooltip where ever i keep my mouse point on the series(line).
Thanks in Advance,
It sounds like you are asking for a Trackball-like functionality rather than the ToolTip feature. If you use RadChartView instead of RadChart you can achieve the functionality you are looking for.
The new RadChartView offers much more than the older RadChart. This link will bring you to the side by side comparison of the two different controls. RadChartView can still provides you with the ability to use ToolTips.
This link will bring you to the demo of RadChartView where you can explore the different features it provides.
Good Luck,
My total chart is developed using Radchart, now I can't change it to RadchartView.
Is there any way to show tooltip value only at the datapoint using Radchart.
This has already been discussed in the other forum thread you asked the same question.
Since I've seen that you asked us in several posts for one and the same thing - please consider avoiding duplicate threads. This makes it harder for both sides to follow the conversation and floods the threads.
the Telerik team