Using the RadChart for Silverlight, version 2010.1.422.1040, I am having difficulty data binding using the “Stacked Bar Series”. In the XAML, I have set the series and am attempting to set the item source within the code behind.
Here is the XAML:
<telerik:RadChart x:Name="chartMapDowRad" >
<telerikCharting:SeriesMapping LegendLabel="Summary">
<telerikCharting:ItemMapping DataPointMember="XCategory" FieldName="Display" />
<telerikCharting:ItemMapping DataPointMember="YValue" FieldName="Value" />
In the code behind, we have an object named “Results” that contains two observable collections, DayOfWeekSummaryFilter and “DayOfWeekSummary” which are to be be displayed within the chart.
this.chartMapDowRad.ItemsSource = result.DayOfWeekSummaryFilter;
I have only been able to set the ItemSource property on the RadChart for only one of the series. In the Silverlight Toolkit, one was able to set the item source on each of the series. Is this possible with the RadChart?