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How to measure website performance with Filddler Web Debugger?

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Fiddler Classic
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paul asked on 29 Dec 2014, 08:39 PM
I am new to using Fiddler Web Debugger.  How do I measure performance of a website with the application?  Can you provide the basics? 

I see this in the right hand side when a page is loaded up.  In there anymore to performance tools that Fiddler Web Debugger has?

Requests started at:  36:56.8
Responses completed at:  36:58.2
Sequence (clock) duration:  00:01.4
Aggregate Session duration: 00:01.5
 TCP/IP Connect duration: 10ms

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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 29 Dec 2014, 10:31 PM
Fiddler shows the performance characteristics of your network requests, including how long requests and responses took to transfer. It offers many features that help you find opportunities for improvement (connection reuse, caching headers, redundant requests, uncompressed responses, poorly compressed images, bloated metadata, slow resources, etc).

It does not attempt to provide "page level" metrics (e.g. how long did a page take to render including running JavaScript, etc). For a task like that, you'd want to use a tool like Telerik Test Studio's Performance Test feature.

Eric Lawrence

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Fiddler Classic
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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
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