I'm using the silverlight version of Radtreeview control.
I'm loading the tree using this method - radtreeview.items.add(radtreeviewitem).
I need to filter out the radtreeviewitem in the radtreeview by it's name.
I use the following lamda expression for the same, it only filters out the radtreeviewitem which is directly under the root node, but is not able to filter out the radtreeviewitem which is the child item of items directly under the root nodem i.e not able to search all children.
Basically I am looking to achieve the same thing which can be done in windows treeview control like
I'm using the silverlight version of Radtreeview control.
I'm loading the tree using this method - radtreeview.items.add(radtreeviewitem).
I need to filter out the radtreeviewitem in the radtreeview by it's name.
I use the following lamda expression for the same, it only filters out the radtreeviewitem which is directly under the root node, but is not able to filter out the radtreeviewitem which is the child item of items directly under the root nodem i.e not able to search all children.
radTreeView.Items.Cast<RadTreeViewItem>().FirstOrDefault().Items.Cast<RadTreeViewItem>().Where(q => q.Name == StrParentKey)
Basically I am looking to achieve the same thing which can be done in windows treeview control like
tree.Nodes.Find(StrParentKey, -- the second parameter true will make sure it searches all children
Could someone please help me ?