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How to change the default color of the controls ?

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alex asked on 19 Apr 2011, 05:42 AM

In my company, we use both Telerik ASP.NET AJAX components and Telerik Silverlight components. And, by default (I think), the AJAX component mouseover color are green and Silverlight ones are orange. And in order to standardize the color between the two applications, I want the mouseover color on the Silverlight components to be green. I tried to change that in Expression Blend, but I don't success because I don't know how to use this software (and I don't really want) and I want the green color for all Telerik components in my application.
How can I do that easily ?


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Telerik team
answered on 19 Apr 2011, 08:06 AM
Hello Alex,

The easiest way  to change the appearance of RadControls is to pick up another Telerik theme: Office Blue, Office Silver, Summer, Vista, Windows7, Transparent, Expression Dark. However, none of them uses green as a mouse over color. If the design of your application allows it, I would suggest that you consider changing the ASP.NET controls theme to a similar match for RadControls for Silverlight, instead. For example, Windows7 or Vista would be a suitable match.

Alternatively, if you wish to dive into the customization process for RadControls for Silverlight, there is a way to accomplish the task with a custom theme. You can use the approach described in this help article and merge resource dictionaries for the controls you use in your application into a custom theme.

The important point in this approach is that, for the sake of consistency and maintainability,  most of RadControls for Silverlight use a ButtonChrome control that is responsible for all visual states (and brushes respectively). In order to have a green mouse over color, you need to have a custom ButtonChrome that is applied to any control that uses it. The controls which do not use a ButtonChrome in their templates need to be edited manually.

We can offer full assistance in case you decide to take the course of creating a custom theme for the controls you use. Still, I believe the quickest and easiest way for you would be to switch to another ASP.NET AJAX theme.

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