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How not to get grid settings applied to plain html table in detail row?

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Steve asked on 11 Oct 2012, 07:12 PM
I have a grid with expanding detailed row enabled and within the detailed row, I have a tabstrip (just like the demo) but instead of having another data grid inside one of the tabs, I opt to have a plain html table. However, in doing so the parent grid's table settings are applied to the plain html table. Mainly, the width is fixed and not automatically adjusted based on the content of the cell and even explicit width declaration doesn't override it. From what I read from other threads, setting "scrollable" to false in the parent grid does the trick but since this is just a plain html table, why can't I override this? I don't want to compromise by changing the parent grid as I do want it to be scrollable. I've tried setting table-layout to auto but that doesn't do anything. Any other CSS override I can apply to the plain html table to achieve this? Many thanks.

Update: turns out applying table-layout as inline works. The CSS I had in the CSS file was as followed:

.k-grid .k-detail-cell .gridtable {table-layout:auto;}

where gridtable is the class name I applied to the table. 

Did I miss something?

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