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How do you set a column to have default filtering?

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Daren asked on 15 Oct 2018, 06:47 PM
I have a column named Status. The status is either Active, or Inactive. At the moment i am using a custom filter to select one or the other for filtering. I want to know how I can set Active as the default filtered item upon load. The columns should only show Entries with the status Active, unless inactive are enabled in the custom filter. 

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answered on 18 Oct 2018, 08:10 AM
Hello Daren,

You would need to add a filter descriptor programmatically in order to pre-filter items in certain column. To achieve this first create a FilterDescriptor according to the column type of the Status field, I guess in your case it could be Boolean FilterDescriptor or Delegate FilterDescriptor, and then add it to the FilterDescriptors collection of RadDataGrid.
Please go to the following topic in our documentation for the exact approach:
DataGrid: Programmatic Filtering

I hope I was of help.

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answered on 18 Oct 2018, 01:14 PM
Currently the filter works off of a custom listview and custom button tap in which I learned from the custom filter documentation.
How do I tell it Show only How do I access that custom filter already in place to tell it "Show active at load" while also still able to use the other filtering option. I had used a delegate filter but was only able to get it to show one or the other, and not both when needed.
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