It seems it would be very useful if the Chart dynamically would set the StepLabelLevelCount and LabelRotationAngle based on the labels overlapping with each other. For example StepLabelLevelCount could go between 1 and 3 to as label collisions occur, and then after it reaches 3 and it still has collisions it can switch to LabelRotationAngel of 90. That would cover a large majority of cases I would think, and the max step level could be even provided to set how high it steps before resorting to rotation.
This seems best to be inside the chart itself and just exposed as properties. However if there is a way to get access to these labels before they are rendered and be able to calculate there expect size and then set the stepping and/or rotation accordingly I don't mind doing that.
In case you are wondering why I would do this, for some of my charts I have very short labels for my AxisX usually just a date (MM/dd/yyyy), and the charts are dynamic based on the filters a user applies so if they are only looking at a few days and I set the rotation to 90 it doesn't look good with all the white space, it looks better at a step of 1, but as soon as you start increasing the number of days they start colliding quickly
Kind Regards,
This seems best to be inside the chart itself and just exposed as properties. However if there is a way to get access to these labels before they are rendered and be able to calculate there expect size and then set the stepping and/or rotation accordingly I don't mind doing that.
In case you are wondering why I would do this, for some of my charts I have very short labels for my AxisX usually just a date (MM/dd/yyyy), and the charts are dynamic based on the filters a user applies so if they are only looking at a few days and I set the rotation to 90 it doesn't look good with all the white space, it looks better at a step of 1, but as soon as you start increasing the number of days they start colliding quickly
Kind Regards,