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How can I collapse RowDetails?

14 Answers 347 Views
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Tolga asked on 29 Jun 2010, 08:41 PM
I need to be able to collapse RowDetails after I expanded them. How do I do that. My RowDetaislVisibilityMode = "VisibleWhenSelected". Is there a programmatic approach? If so how?

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Paul Dhingra
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answered on 30 Jun 2010, 12:40 AM

I too need to find a way to do this - the user can click in the GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn to make the RowDetails visible or collapsed.

However, I also need to be able to programmatically Collapse an expanded RowDetails area.

Rossen Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 30 Jun 2010, 08:13 AM
Hi Paul Dhingra,


VisibleWhenSelected means that they are visible when the row is selected and they are collapsed when the row is not selected. You can deselect a row and they will collapse. If you need to do things programmatically then do not set the RowDetailsVisibility mode of the grid but play with each row individually. You can do that via its DetailsVisibility property. Or you can use the special column GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn. It is up to you.


Each GridViewRow has a DetailsVisibility property that does exactly that. As a matter of fact, the toggle button of the GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn is bound to this exact same property.

@ Both

Please, read the documentation. You will find everything what you need there.

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Paul Dhingra
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answered on 30 Jun 2010, 02:10 PM
Understood, though I should have been more clear - I was already attempting to change the RowDetailsVisibility property, but my problem was that I couldn't determine how to find the GridViewRow in question.  My GridViewToggleRowDetailColumn's ExpandMode="Single", so I was hoping to be able to find the (selected? open?) gridviewrow and set the RowDetailsVisibility during certain event handling.  But all I can seem to locate is the SelectedItem (which is the data item itself, not the GridViewRow).

In any case, I solved this using a different approach, the only time I can seem to find the specific GridViewRow is during the LoadingRowDetails event, so during that event I store a reference to the GridViewRow (e.row), and then use that to change the Visibility when needed.

Rossen Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 30 Jun 2010, 02:22 PM
Hi Paul Dhingra,

You can find the row from the SelectedItem like this:

var selectedRow = this.radGridView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(this.radGridView.SelectedItem) as GridViewRow;

if (selectedRow != null)

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Paul Dhingra
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answered on 30 Jun 2010, 02:25 PM
Yes, that absolutely does help!  I forgot about the ItemContainerGenerator, it's perfect for this (and several other) situations.

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answered on 30 Jun 2010, 04:47 PM
Indeed, that does work, but now I have 2 more questions.

1. How do I loop through all the rows in a GridView
2. How do I trigger a "Row Click" event


Yavor Georgiev
Telerik team
answered on 01 Jul 2010, 09:48 AM
Hi Tolga,

 Could you please share a bit more information about what you're trying to accomplish? Looping through UIElements and simulating user input is not a very efficient course of action. Perhaps we'll be able to reach your goals through alternate means.

Sincerely yours,
Yavor Georgiev
the Telerik team
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Gerry Connolly
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answered on 18 Sep 2010, 07:01 PM

I want to make row collapsed when RowDetails is visibile and Rowdetails should collapsed when row is visible.
Is there any method to do it ?

Please reply as soon as possible. I need it urgently.

Yavor Georgiev
Telerik team
answered on 20 Sep 2010, 12:07 PM
Hello Gerry Connolly,

 You can achieve your goal very easily by modifying the GridViewRow template. Please find attached a sample solution.

Sincerely yours,
Yavor Georgiev
the Telerik team
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Gerry Connolly
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answered on 02 Oct 2010, 09:01 PM
Yavor Georgiev
your solution was good and working for me but now requrement has been changed.

Now I need to open row details on row Click and Row should collpase

I have tried with this in Rowloaded event but I am unable to understand why the code  is not reaching at event row_MouseLeftButtonUP on mouse click
I can not use RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected" because I want to open one rowdetails at a time though I can select mulitiple row
Colud you suggest something the code is below :



Private Sub GridView_RowLoaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.RowLoadedEventArgs)






Dim row As GridViewRow = TryCast(e.Row, GridViewRow
If row IsNot Nothing Then  


AddHandler row.MouseLeftButtonDown, AddressOf row_MouseLeftButtonUP 




End If  


End Sub


Private Sub row_MouseLeftButtonUP(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs)


Dim row As GridViewRow = TryCast(sender, GridViewRow)





If row IsNot Nothing Then






row.DetailsVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible





Dim dp As DetailsPresenter = New DetailsPresenter()




dp.DetailsProvider = row.DetailsProvider 



Dim dcp As DataCellsPresenter = New DataCellsPresenter()


dcp.DataContext = row.DataContext

dcp.Visibility = System.Windows.






End If











End Sub





Yavor Georgiev
Telerik team
answered on 04 Oct 2010, 01:01 PM
Hello Gerry Connolly,

 Please find attached an update to the sample solution. Unfortunately, your scenario is not achievable when DetailsVisibilityMode=VisibleWhenSelected. I have used the GridViewToggleRowDetails column instead.

Yavor Georgiev
the Telerik team
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neo e
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answered on 12 Jan 2011, 04:02 PM

To bind the rowdetailvisbility to a datamember. I create a custom column to acomplish this.

public class GridViewToggleRowDetailDataColumn : GridViewDataColumn
       public static readonly DependencyProperty ToggleRowDetailDataMemberProperty =
           DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ToggleRowDeatilDataMember", typeof (string),
                                       typeof (GridViewToggleRowDetailDataColumn), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty));
       public string ToggleRowDetailDataMember
           get { return (string)GetValue(ToggleRowDetailDataMemberProperty); }
       public override FrameworkElement CreateCellElement(Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.GridViewCell cell, object dataItem)
           var currenRow = cell.ParentRow as GridViewRow;
           if (null != currenRow && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToggleRowDetailDataMember))
               var binding = new Binding(ToggleRowDetailDataMember)
                                Source = currenRow.DataContext,
                                Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay,
                                Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter()
               currenRow.SetBinding(GridViewRow.DetailsVisibilityProperty, binding);
           return base.CreateCellElement(cell, dataItem);            
Michael Gaigg
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answered on 15 Feb 2011, 06:48 AM
Thanks, that did the trick!
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answered on 06 Feb 2014, 12:23 PM
the property ExpandMode="Single" can resolve the problem.

<telerik:GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn ExpandMode="Single" />

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Answers by
Paul Dhingra
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Rossen Hristov
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Yavor Georgiev
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Gerry Connolly
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neo e
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Michael Gaigg
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