I could make the undesired fields private and it disappears, but there are some times when I use the another ObservableCollection of the same object where I want all the columns
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
You may try to set the IsVisible property of the column to "False".
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I am hiding the column from the view model at start. Based on some drop down changes, i want to show the column.
But I when I associate this property using two way binding property, its not getting updated to unhide the column.
Could you share a bit more details about your implementation? Generally, any relevant information and code-snippet would be helpful.
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Here's my sample code
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Width="150" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Status}" IsVisible= "{Binding Source={StaticResource MyViewModel}, Path=IsAdminUser}">
<TextBlock Text="Status"/>
View Model: MyViewModel
public bool IsAdminUser
get { return isAdminUser; }
isAdminUser = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.IsAdminUser);
I believe this forum thread might be helpful in your case. Please take a look at it and let me know in case you have any further difficulties.
the Telerik team
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