Hello I am trying to make the column that gets data from a database have a linkable modal. For privacy reasons full copy of the code isn't available. However I have cropped up this segment in particular since this is the issue I am trying to fix. I can already bind data from the datasource to a column and data displays correctly when I remove the parts to make it "linkable". hence this is why you might notice some of the parts are in comments. Simply put I need to make the column display the data from the database then make it linkable pointing to a view and a controller. Hopefully someone will be able to answer the soonest. Thanks in advance!
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.MarkOutId)
.ClientTemplate("<input name=\"checkedRecords\" type=\"checkbox\" primaryId=\"#=MarkOutId#\" value=\"MarkOutId\" title=\"checkedRecords\" />")
.Title(" ");
//columns.Bound(p => p.UnitsSoldPerDay).ClientTemplate("<a href='" +
// Server.UrlDecode(Url.Action("AddNewMarkOut", "MarkOut")) + "'>TEST</a >")
// .Width(500).Groupable(false);
columns.Bound(p => p.UnitsSoldPerDay).Title("Units Sold Per Day")
.ClientTemplate("<a href='AddNewMarkOut','MarkOut'></a>")
columns.Bound(p => p.MarkOutGoal).Title("Mark Out Goal (%)").Width(500).Groupable(false);
@*(p => p.ProductID).Template(@< text >
@Html.ActionLink("Show Product Details", "ProductDetails", new { id = @item.ProductID }) >
</ text >); *@
//kendo telerik sample url action code
//columns.Bound(p => p.ProductID).ClientTemplate(
// "<a href='" +
// Url.Action("ProductDetails", "Product") +
// "/#= ProductID #'" +
// ">Show Product Details</a>"