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Handled on PreviewSelectionChanged > display 2 selectedItem on RadOutlookBar

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En asked on 13 Nov 2012, 08:02 AM
Hello telerik team,
I have a RadOutlookBar have many RadOutlookBarItem. When i selected to small item, i have to handles event PreviewSelectionChanged of RadoutlookBar and i set:
e.Handled = <SPAN style="color: blue;">True</SPAN>
That event has been canceled but RadOutlookBar display 2 selecteditems like attach file.
Will have solution for me?

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answered on 14 Nov 2012, 03:13 AM
Any help for me????
Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
answered on 15 Nov 2012, 01:40 PM
Hi En,

I tried to reproduce your issue and it seems that the code work as expected on our side. Can you please take a look at the attached project and change it accordingly? Also it will be great if you send it back to us so that we can further investigate the case.

Pavel R. Pavlov
the Telerik team

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answered on 16 Nov 2012, 01:15 AM
Hi Pavel R. Pavlov,
Firstly, thank u for your attention. But i was say you must click on MINI ICON. First, you need restore down IE window or set ActiveItemCount for RadOutlookBar have mini icon:

Behind code:
private void RadOutlookBar_PreviewSelectionChanged(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
           if (((Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadTabItem)(((object[])(e.AddedItems))[0])).Header.ToString() == "Item 5")
               e.Handled = true;

Before you have some mini icon on RadOutlookBar, you need to click "Item 5" (one in mini icon) to take result as my picture.
Wait for your reply.
p/s: i cant up my project cuz it > 2mb ;)
Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
answered on 20 Nov 2012, 08:28 AM
Hi En,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. It is a bug in the RadOutlookBar control and I logged it in our PITS and you will be able to find it in 24 hours under the following name:

"OutlookBar: Visual state of selected items in not correct"

For the moment we are not aware of a workaround. However, I have updated your Telerik account as a thanks for your cooperation.

All the best,
Pavel R. Pavlov
the Telerik team

Explore the entire Telerik portfolio by downloading Telerik DevCraft Ultimate.

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Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
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