I have GridView with two columns:
<telerikGridView:GridViewDataColumn IsReadOnly="True" UniqueName="DtEvent" Header="Date" DataFormatString="{}{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" Width="auto" MaxWidth="200" />
<telerikGridView:GridViewDataColumn IsReadOnly="True" UniqueName="DtEvent" Header="Time" DataFormatString="{}{0:HH:mm}" Width="auto" MaxWidth="200" />
I want to group the grid by column Header="Date" DataFormatString="{}{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"
but because of the full content of column is a full date & time of event (but we see only date because of formatting DataFormatString="{}{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"), GridView group everything by full date - for example, if I see 10.05.2010 in two columns, but in one the full content is 10.05.2010 12:00:34, in enother - 10.05.2010 13:45:34, gridview recognize this two colimns like different =(
what can I do to make them the same?
<telerikGridView:GridViewDataColumn IsReadOnly="True" UniqueName="DtEvent" Header="Date" DataFormatString="{}{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" Width="auto" MaxWidth="200" />
<telerikGridView:GridViewDataColumn IsReadOnly="True" UniqueName="DtEvent" Header="Time" DataFormatString="{}{0:HH:mm}" Width="auto" MaxWidth="200" />
I want to group the grid by column Header="Date" DataFormatString="{}{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"
but because of the full content of column is a full date & time of event (but we see only date because of formatting DataFormatString="{}{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"), GridView group everything by full date - for example, if I see 10.05.2010 in two columns, but in one the full content is 10.05.2010 12:00:34, in enother - 10.05.2010 13:45:34, gridview recognize this two colimns like different =(
what can I do to make them the same?