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GroupDescriptor changed MVVM method?

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Jasper asked on 17 May 2016, 07:16 PM

Hi there

Is there an MVVM-pattern solution to trigger a ViewModel refresh (from an rpc-database backend) when the groupdescriptors of a DataGird are changed?

Right now I've solved this issue with a C# event as below, but I'd like to have either the groupdescriptors bound to the viewmodel or I'd like to use an ICommand following MVVM principles.

Current solution:

dataGrid.GroupDescriptors.CollectionChanged += GroupDescriptors_CollectionChanged;
private void GroupDescriptors_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
    string groups = "";
    foreach (Telerik.Data.Core.PropertyGroupDescriptor gridGroup in dataGrid.GroupDescriptors)
        groups += (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groups) ? "" : ",") +
            ((gridGroup.SortOrder == Telerik.Data.Core.SortOrder.Ascending) ? "+" : "-") +
    This.ViewModel.GroupStringForRpcCall = groups;


Desired solution following MVVM principles:

<gridCommands:DataGridUserCommand Id="ColumnHeaderTap" EnableDefaultCommand="True" Command="{Binding TelerikColumnHeaderSortCommand, Source={StaticResource ViewModel}}" />

internal class TelerikRpcSortCommand : ICommand
    private IRpcViewModel ViewModel;
    public TelerikRpcSortCommand(IRpcViewModel viewModel)
        ViewModel = viewModel;
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        var context = parameter as ColumnHeaderTapContext;
        return true;
    public async void Execute(object parameter)
        var context = parameter as ColumnHeaderTapContext;
        var column = context.Column as DataGridTypedColumn;         
        string order = null;
        if (column.SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending)
            order = "+" +column.PropertyName;
        else if (column.SortDirection == SortDirection.Descending)
            order = "-" + column.PropertyName;
            order = "";
        ViewModel.Order = order;


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Ivaylo Gergov
Telerik team
answered on 20 May 2016, 09:04 AM
Hi Jasper,

Thank you for your interest.

Currently, RadDataGrid does not expose a command for the grouping action so such approach could not be possible. Here are all the supported commands. I will log this as a feature request.

Please, let me know should you need further assistance.
Ivaylo Gergov
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Ivaylo Gergov
Telerik team
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