I would want to make a gridviewcomboboxcolumn dependant on an another gridviewcomboboxcolumn with the MVVM pattern.
Do you know if it's possible an how i can do that ?
if I use a template i can use a code like this
I would want to make a gridviewcomboboxcolumn dependant on an another gridviewcomboboxcolumn with the MVVM pattern.
Do you know if it's possible an how i can do that ?
if I use a template i can use a code like this
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="{Binding Path=Strings.RemiseView_EnteteGarantie, Source={StaticResource ApplicationResources}}" IsReadOnly="True" > <telerik:GridViewDataColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <telerik:RadComboBox Style="{StaticResource RemiseView_ComboBox}" ItemsSource="{Binding ListGarantie,Source={StaticResource remiseViewModel}}" DisplayMemberPath="Nom" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedGarantieItem,Mode=TwoWay ,Source={StaticResource remiseViewModel}}" SelectedValue="{Binding GarantieId, Mode=TwoWay}" ClearSelectionButtonContent="Effacer" SelectedValuePath="GarantieId"/> </DataTemplate> </telerik:GridViewDataColumn.CellTemplate>with the selecteditem binding on the view model, but it's not really good, if I have two row the filter is bad and it's not a gridviewcomboboxcolumn...