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After upgrading to the latest gridview, I notice that when scrolling up with a row that has rowdetail open is very slow. looks like the virtualization takes a long time to redraw. not sure if anybody else experience the same issue. scrolling down on the other hand is normal. didn't notice any slowness.
I found this by disable virtualization on both row and colum, the initial load takes longer but then the scrolling up and down with the one row detail expended take the same amount of time.
After upgrading to the latest gridview, I notice that when scrolling up with a row that has rowdetail open is very slow. looks like the virtualization takes a long time to redraw. not sure if anybody else experience the same issue. scrolling down on the other hand is normal. didn't notice any slowness.
I found this by disable virtualization on both row and colum, the initial load takes longer but then the scrolling up and down with the one row detail expended take the same amount of time.