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gridview virtualization slow scrolling up issue

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Kevin asked on 12 Apr 2012, 03:16 PM

After upgrading to the latest gridview, I notice that when scrolling up with a row that has rowdetail open is very slow. looks like the virtualization takes a long time to redraw. not sure if anybody else experience the same issue. scrolling down on the other hand is normal. didn't notice any slowness.

I found this by disable virtualization on both row and colum, the initial load takes longer but then the scrolling up and down with the one row detail expended take the same amount of time.


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Telerik team
answered on 17 Apr 2012, 08:25 AM

Indeed you are right in your conclusion.

When scrolling is performed all the details elements need to be realized and loaded. When you have a lot of RowDetails to be created, this takes some time.

What I would suggest you is one of those options:
1. Collapse the row details and expand only the one that you will need.
2. Simplify the content in the details template.
3. Turn off the RowVirtualization. This will slow the initial loading of the GridView (as all of the elements should be created), but will improve the scrolling performance.

Those are the options for the time being. 

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answered on 17 Apr 2012, 02:08 PM

I don't think any of the options are acceptable. I just tried the older version of the gridview that we are currently used in production, the scrolling up doesn't seems to be slow at all. it's the same as scrolling down. that means there are bugs/wrong implementation in virtualization panel in the latest gridview. I strongly suggest a review between the two implementation. the production version is 2010.2.924.1040.

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