In my grid the grid cells are 19 but if in UI only 14 are showing due to window size due to that grid cells are showing 9 when I scroll grid vertically then the cells are dynamically changed based on the UI. The issue is based on 'Qualification' column cell value one of the grid column button will load another dialog.
Initially loading it passes the correct cell value but when I scroll then it's getting error because of the Invalid column. Here are the code I used, In the following code I used to get the value by using cell(5), I need to get the column cells value dynamically.
Private Sub btnTimeKeepingJobMapping_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
DataGridBase.GridView.SelectedItem = DirectCast(sender, Button).DataContext
'Dim itemValue As String = dataItem("Qualification").Text
Dim odlg_TimeKeepingJobMapping As New dlg_TimeKeepingJobMapping
Dim oGridViewCellBase As GridViewCellBase = DirectCast(DirectCast(DirectCast(DirectCast(sender, Button).Parent, StackPanel).Parent, GridViewCell).ParentRow, TreeListViewRow).Cells(5)
If (CInt(sender.tag) > 0) Then
odlg_TimeKeepingJobMapping = New dlg_TimeKeepingJobMapping(CInt(sender.tag), DirectCast(DirectCast(oGridViewCellBase.Content, LookupElement).ComboBox.SelectedItem, Object).Qualification)
End If
AddHandler odlg_TimeKeepingJobMapping.Closed, AddressOf odlg_TimeKeepingJobMapping_Closed
End Sub