I am having textbox inside my rad gridview and having one button.once if i give some value to that textbox and click the button.
how can i get the textbox value.Since i am having that textbox in data template i cant get it.
will anyone provide with sample code.
8 Answers, 1 is accepted
If you know which cell you are operating on, you can use the ChildrenOfType<T> method to find the TextBox that is inside it like this:
TextBox txt = cell.ChildrenOfType<TextBox>[0].
Please, send us a sample project if this does not help and explain the exact behavior that you would like to achieve. We will try to come up with something.
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I have the same requirement, just difference is I have rad combo box insteed of text box. And on button click I have the selected item value of rad combobox in a variable. How can I do that? Can anyone tell me?
You can use exactly the same approach - just change the generic argument to desired type.
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I have tried, by changing the generic argument. But its not working.
Can you post your XAML (how the combo is declared) and the code that you have tried?
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the Telerik team
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Here I am giving the snippet what I have dont in xaml file for your understanding. If user selects sample2 item from combo box, then I have to retrieve that value and store it into sharepoint list.
<grid:RadGridView x:Name="grid" Margin="100,100,100,100" RowIndicatorVisibility="Collapsed" IsReadOnly="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserFreezeColumns="False" CanUserResizeColumns="False" Width="520" Height="270" >
<grid:GridViewDataColumn x:Name="gaugeColumn" Header="Header1" HeaderTextAlignment="Center" Width="150" DataMemberBinding="{Binding ID}" TextAlignment="Center"/>
<grid:GridViewDataColumn x:Name="measureColumn" HeaderText="Header2" HeaderTextAlignment="Center" Width="200">
<telerikInput:RadComboBox Name="cbMeasures" SelectedIndex="0">
<telerikInput:RadComboBoxItem Content="Sample1" />
<telerikInput:RadComboBoxItem Content="Sample2" />
<telerikInput:RadComboBoxItem Content="Sample3" />
<telerikInput:RadComboBoxItem Content="Sample4" />
<grid:GridViewDataColumn HeaderText="Header3" HeaderTextAlignment="Center" Width="150">
<telerikInput:RadComboBox Name="cbDisplay" SelectedIndex="0" >
<telerikInput:RadComboBoxItem Content="Yes" />
<telerikInput:RadComboBoxItem Content="No" />
Why not use SelectionChanged event of the combo directly?
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the Telerik team
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void saveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
secondCell = (GridViewCell)row.Items[1];
txt = secondCell.ChildrenOfType<RadComboBox>[0];
At <RadComboBox>[0], it is giving error "RadCombobox is a 'type' but is used as 'variable' ".
also what this " 0 " indicating? Can you explain for me?