I need to change themes at runtime, 1 theme for each gauge. my structure is like this: (the following is Pseudo-Code)
<LinearGauge Visibility="Visibility.Visible" />
<RadialGauge Visibility="Visibility.Collapsed" />
<RadialGauge Visibility="Visibility.Collapsed" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="halfCircleNStyle" />
What i have listed above is what i am considering to be "1 gauge" because i will switch the visibility of these on and off to give the user the different shapes and their various functionality, all based on 1 datasource. There is a dropdown combobox to choose which to display and only 1 displays at a time.
There are other "gauges" in the application, which are all instances of my UserControl which contains teh above. I hope that is clear.
Now to dynamic themes:
According to your sample apps, you implement a converter which ultimately causes something like this:
This will ultimately be called in the sample apps I have seen.
The following is the real code for my radial gauge, with 3 radial ranges and 4 stateindicators which i swap around to show the right colours. To simplify matters lets pretend I just had 1 radialgauge as below:
And on the same page a combo box with the various styles in it.
When I set the theme with this line of code:
StyleManager.SetTheme(radGaugel, new VistaTheme());
I understand that I must now do something like described above, that is, re-create the gauge programmatically using the "new" keyword.
My ultimate question is how can i achieve this with all the complexity involved and x:Names of all the sub-elements of my RadGauge. These sub-elements (Green, Red, IndicatorRed,IndicatorGreen, etc. etc.) I am referencing by name in the code. Can it be done at runtime using a combobox?
I also don't want to set the application theme at this point, i want to implement them per gauge. (when i say per gauge i mean for my usercontrol, "Gauge.Xaml", which happens to contain 3 radGauges to make it work how I need. I hope that is understood).
Is it possible at this point, given your current theming framework? if so, how?
Please assist!
I need to change themes at runtime, 1 theme for each gauge. my structure is like this: (the following is Pseudo-Code)
<LinearGauge Visibility="Visibility.Visible" />
<RadialGauge Visibility="Visibility.Collapsed" />
<RadialGauge Visibility="Visibility.Collapsed" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="halfCircleNStyle" />
What i have listed above is what i am considering to be "1 gauge" because i will switch the visibility of these on and off to give the user the different shapes and their various functionality, all based on 1 datasource. There is a dropdown combobox to choose which to display and only 1 displays at a time.
There are other "gauges" in the application, which are all instances of my UserControl which contains teh above. I hope that is clear.
Now to dynamic themes:
According to your sample apps, you implement a converter which ultimately causes something like this:
public void ResetRootVisual() |
{ |
var rootVisual = Application.Current.RootVisual as Grid; |
rootVisual.Children.Clear(); |
rootVisual.Children.Add(new MainPage()); |
} |
This will ultimately be called in the sample apps I have seen.
The following is the real code for my radial gauge, with 3 radial ranges and 4 stateindicators which i swap around to show the right colours. To simplify matters lets pretend I just had 1 radialgauge as below:
<Grid x:Name="GaugeGrid"> |
<control:RadGauge x:Name="radGauge" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Windows7" Margin="0"> |
<gauge:RadialGauge> |
<gauge:RadialScale x:Name="radGaugeScale"> |
<gauge:RangeList> |
<gauge:RadialRange x:Name="Green" Min="0" Max="0" |
StartWidth="0.05" |
EndWidth="0.05" |
Background="{StaticResource Brush1}" |
TickBackground="{StaticResource Brush1}" |
LabelForeground="{StaticResource Brush1}" |
IndicatorBackground="{StaticResource Brush1}" /> |
<gauge:RadialRange Min="0" Max="0" |
x:Name="Yellow" |
StartWidth="0.05" |
EndWidth="0.05" |
Background="{StaticResource Brush2}" |
TickBackground="{StaticResource Brush2}" |
LabelForeground="{StaticResource Brush2}" |
IndicatorBackground="{StaticResource Brush2}" /> |
<gauge:RadialRange Min="0" Max="0" |
x:Name="Red" |
StartWidth="0.05" |
EndWidth="0.05" |
Background="{StaticResource Brush3}" |
TickBackground="{StaticResource Brush3}" |
LabelForeground="{StaticResource Brush3}" |
IndicatorBackground="{StaticResource Brush3}" /> |
</gauge:RangeList> |
<gauge:IndicatorList> |
<gauge:StateIndicator x:Name="stateIndicatorRed" |
Left="0.45" |
Top="0.75" |
RelativeWidth="0.2" |
RelativeHeight="0.2" Background="{StaticResource RadialBrush3}" Visibility="Collapsed"/> |
<gauge:StateIndicator x:Name="stateIndicatorYellow" |
Left="0.45" |
Top="0.75" |
RelativeWidth="0.2" |
RelativeHeight="0.2" Background="{StaticResource RadialBrush2}" Visibility="Collapsed"/> |
<gauge:StateIndicator x:Name="stateIndicatorGreen" |
Left="0.45" |
Top="0.75" |
RelativeWidth="0.2" |
RelativeHeight="0.2" Background="{StaticResource RadialBrush1}"/> |
<gauge:StateIndicator x:Name="stateIndicatorOff" |
Left="0.45" |
Top="0.75" |
RelativeWidth="0.2" |
RelativeHeight="0.2" Background="{StaticResource RadialBrushOff}" Visibility="Collapsed"/> |
<gauge:Needle x:Name="needle" Value="0" /> |
</gauge:IndicatorList> |
</gauge:RadialScale> |
</gauge:RadialGauge> |
</control:RadGauge> |
</Grid> |
And on the same page a combo box with the various styles in it.
When I set the theme with this line of code:
StyleManager.SetTheme(radGaugel, new VistaTheme());
I understand that I must now do something like described above, that is, re-create the gauge programmatically using the "new" keyword.
My ultimate question is how can i achieve this with all the complexity involved and x:Names of all the sub-elements of my RadGauge. These sub-elements (Green, Red, IndicatorRed,IndicatorGreen, etc. etc.) I am referencing by name in the code. Can it be done at runtime using a combobox?
I also don't want to set the application theme at this point, i want to implement them per gauge. (when i say per gauge i mean for my usercontrol, "Gauge.Xaml", which happens to contain 3 radGauges to make it work how I need. I hope that is understood).
Is it possible at this point, given your current theming framework? if so, how?
Please assist!