I'm using LocalizationManager to get all the keys, this is working fine!, but I think that there is one key missing that is not translated.
If I click in the combo bellow Show rows with value that, there is one item Does not Contain that I can´t translate because doesn't work. I suppose that the code is GridViewDoesNotContain, I need to know if the key is correct or not, or maybe this key is missing and I can´t translate it.
Thank you.
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
Indeed we have discovered that the translation for that string is missing. Thank you for reporting this. We have already updated our Resouce files and the absent string is added. It will be included in the our next Q3 release and you will be able to download it from your Telerik account.
In the meantime, if you want to include the translation of that item, its key is: GridViewFilterDoesNotContain. We have discovered some other strings whose french equivalent is missing and their keys are: GridViewFilterOr (Or), GridViewGroupPanelTopText (Grouped by:) and GridViewAlwaysVisibleNewRow(Click here to add new item)
Please excuse us for the inconvenience caused.
the Telerik team
I think is only GridViewFilterDoesNotContain missing, the rest that you mention are ok!, when are you planning to release Q3?
Thank you.
The release of Q3 2010 is planned for the middle of November.
the Telerik team
could it be that the german translation is also missing for the key GridViewAlwaysVisibleNewRow?
Indeed, you are quite right. We have discovered some missing strings in our localization Resources. We will include them in our Q3 2010. We would be really grateful to share with us in case you find some other absent strings. Thank you for your feedback.
the Telerik team
I'm using Q1 2011 and it seems that "GridViewAlwaysVisibleNewRow" is still missing in the german ressources.
Can you confirm this?
Indeed, you are quite correct. I have updated the resources immediately and the change will be available in our next Internal Build. Please excuse me for any inconvenience caused.
the Telerik team