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ExpressionColumn Error

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poet_byron asked on 12 Apr 2011, 09:38 PM
I have a gridview with 2 expression columns bound to a PagedCollectionView that is grouped by 2 columns using the grouping of paged collection view.  If I load the page, everything works fine, but when I try and load something else (i.e. go a month back and get data loaded) the expression column errors out saying it has a problem converting type string to the type of my pagedcollectionview.  I have a feeling that when you are trying to get the new values of the expression column, you are looking at the group header text within the 2nd group, rather than the data.  Here is a rough outline of what I'm trying to do

PagedCollectionView rpt;

Constructor of ViewModel - Call Service to get report

Callback of Service - set report to returned value grouped by 2 columns returned.

After clicking go back a month

Same service is called with date of 1 month prior passed.

Callback of Service - set report to returned value grouped by 2 columns returned.

This is where the error occurs saying "String cannot be converted to type MyType".

I will be trying to convert my paged collection view to a QDSVC and see how it goes.

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Yavor Georgiev
Telerik team
answered on 12 Apr 2011, 09:52 PM
Hello Metthew,

 Could you please prepare a small sample application demonstrating this behavior and attach it to a separate support ticket?

Yavor Georgiev
the Telerik team
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Yavor Georgiev
Telerik team
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