For the MySQL based web page and the Description field insertion and update, I’m used to clean the Description field with the following:
When the Kendo editor is now used, such a clean process screws up the resulting data, and ends in incorrect data when the data is then read back from server for the hyperlinks as an example. For a hyperlink, for the original string the resulting string when read back from database becomes \"\", the original tooltip "VG sidene" becomes \"VG and the original checked option for Open link in new window becomes unchecked.
Do you have an idea about what’s going on here? How to utilize this standard cleaning mechanism mysql_real_escape_string for the editor usage?
When the Kendo editor is now used, such a clean process screws up the resulting data, and ends in incorrect data when the data is then read back from server for the hyperlinks as an example. For a hyperlink, for the original string the resulting string when read back from database becomes \"\", the original tooltip "VG sidene" becomes \"VG and the original checked option for Open link in new window becomes unchecked.
Do you have an idea about what’s going on here? How to utilize this standard cleaning mechanism mysql_real_escape_string for the editor usage?