I've made a specialized control which inherits from ItemsControl, and has a Canvas where the items added to the control is placed. This works all fine and dandy when I pull items from a ListBox...however if I try to move the item in the Canvas to place it another place within the same control, it stops working. The events firing is:
OnDragQuery DragQuery
OnDragInfo DragInProgress
OnDropQuery DropDestinationQuery
OnDropQuery DropDestinationQuery
OnDragInfo DragCancel
Somehow I just can't figure out why on earth the OnDropInfo DropPossible event won't fire. What exact parameters needs to be in place for this to become true? I've set e.QueryResult and e.Handled = true in the OnDropQuery DropDestinationQuery...but it doesn't seem to make any difference as long as I'm still in the same control.