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Deleting Comments

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Dave asked on 26 May 2011, 07:16 AM
I'm trying to delete comment(s) programmatically.  The document has several duplicate comments which have identical 'selection' text.  My goal is to delete the second or in some cases third occurance of each series of duplicated comment.  Is there any index value for comments?  Any suggestions are appreciated.   

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Iva Toteva
Telerik team
answered on 01 Jun 2011, 09:32 AM
Hi Dave,

There is no index value for comments inserted at the same place in the document.
You can, however, use document positions to determine if the comments starts and comment ends are at the same place in the document.
Please find attached a sample demo project illustrating the approach. You can create comments from the RibbonUI (the Review Tab) and delete them using the button below.
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Iva Toteva
Telerik team
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