No real hurry, just thought I'd point it out.
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Thank you for the feedback! As we use the forums mostly from our back-end we haven't noticed this bug. I imagine it is frustrating enough, so I am putting down a todo to not render at all links to messages from archived forums. I must agree Confucius has a point there...
Sincerely yours,
Zhivko Dimitrov
the telerik team
...and while you're at it I've got another suggestion.
Since the default for creating / replying to a thread is to subscribe to it, it would be nice to have a way to do a "bulk unsubscribe" on the My Subscriptions page. I just got done cleaning up my list (as well as I could without being able to touch the "private" ones) and it took quite a bit longer than it should have since the telerik site isn't exactly blazing fast. I'll never complain about slow site speeds since there are a zillion factors - most of which are out of the hands of telerik, but still there are steps that could be taken to avoid constant postbacks and page-loads.
So, when you make the change for the "private" threads - go ahead and throw a checkbox column on the My Subscriptions page that will allow us to delete a whole bunch of subscriptions with one click....that would be just super! Thanks and you guys rock!
Thanks for bringing up the issue again. I want to apologize that nothing has been done so far to fix this problem, but our webteam has been busy working on other website enhancements in the past few months.
Both of your suggestions really make sense and I am sure all of our clients will be happy to see them implemented, so I hope soon we'll be able to add the option to delete threads from "my subscriptions".
Natalie Farah
the telerik team