Hi to all
i am new in treelistview
i have one data source ObservableCollection<User>
User has 5 property ID, Name , Article, voucher, parent_Id
4 items in ObservableCollection<User>
1, A , A1, V1, 0
2, A , A2, V1, 1
3, A , A3, V1, 0
4, A , A4, V1, 0
with upper data list all item is display as a parent record
as per the treelistview example i have to add one ObservableCollection<User> property in to User class. but in my class their is no property like that
is their any functionality to give parent child column and it will display hierarchical data without add ObservableCollection<User> property in to User Class
i am new in treelistview
i have one data source ObservableCollection<User>
User has 5 property ID, Name , Article, voucher, parent_Id
4 items in ObservableCollection<User>
1, A , A1, V1, 0
2, A , A2, V1, 1
3, A , A3, V1, 0
4, A , A4, V1, 0
with upper data list all item is display as a parent record
as per the treelistview example i have to add one ObservableCollection<User> property in to User class. but in my class their is no property like that
is their any functionality to give parent child column and it will display hierarchical data without add ObservableCollection<User> property in to User Class