I am creating my own custom aggregate function to calculate the sum of the cells in my column based on a property of my row. I have created my own function class. I am inheiriting from AggregateFunction with element/result: < Row, double>. I am passing in the rows of my grid. I am trying to make this as generic as possible, but I cannot seem to get a hold of the column sender. My columns are created dynamically. So my logic is happening for every column this function is being set up on.
I am creating my own custom aggregate function to calculate the sum of the cells in my column based on a property of my row. I have created my own function class. I am inheiriting from AggregateFunction with element/result: < Row, double>. I am passing in the rows of my grid. I am trying to make this as generic as possible, but I cannot seem to get a hold of the column sender. My columns are created dynamically. So my logic is happening for every column this function is being set up on.