I have a CSV file that I want to import into an MSSQL table. I am in .NET 1.1 (VB) and I don't think there is a simple and easy way to do this. Please tell me I'm wrong.
All the Batch-Import-From-CSV routines seem to be set up for .NET 2.0.
So what I am currently doing is importing the data into a DataSet, then going through each and every individual line of the DataSet and executing an INSERT statement.
Any suggestions?
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
If you have to do this via a web interface (in other words, you don't have access to the SQL Server and DTS), I think you may be out of luck for finding a better solution with 1.1.
In 2.0, we have a nice new class in the Framework called SqlBulkCopy (I think). It allows you to pass a datatable and it automatically inserts all of the rows into a named destination table in SqlServer. I've used it very recently to parse a CSV file with email addresses and names and quickly add them to a table and it works like a charm!
That doesn't improve your situation, I know, but when you are able to upgrade to 2.x you've got some good tools waiting. =)
Is there an easy way that you know of to show a progress bar as the CSV data is inserting? I have a client going through hundreds of thousands of records, and it would be nice to tell him how many have been uploaded along the way.
What I am doing at present is inserting 500, then forwarding the user to another page that says "500 uploaded" where the next 500 are uploaded, and then the user is forwarded to a page that says "1000 uploaded" while the next 500 are uploaded, etc.
The quantity uploaded (500, 1000, 1500 etc) is passed as a variable in the URL.
Surely there must be an easier and more secure way to do this, at least?
Thanks for any additional suggestions.
Have you looked at the upload Progress Area? It's been decoupled from the upload control so that you can use it to indicate progress for any measurable activity. Take a look at the demo here:
If you don't like that option, you could also take a look at the r.a.d.ajax timer. Using the timer, you could poll the server at regular intervals and update the page progress indicators using ajax panel or manager. I'm not sure if you'll have to consider using multiple threads to avoid page timeouts (are multiple threads available in .NET 1.x? It's been too long for me to remember...sorry...), but the timer may help with that problem. You can find a demo of ajax timer here:
Hope this helps!
Here's some code i've been using for awhile to do bulk inserts from excel to sql. i'm sure it can be modified further to work better, but it might be a good starting point.
Public Function readExcelSheet(ByVal cExcelFileName As String, ByVal strQuery As String) As DataTable
'open spreadsheet and return datatable based on query passed
Dim strCon As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=""" & cExcelFileName & """;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"""
Dim Adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(strQuery, strCon)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Return dt
End Function
Public Sub ImportJob_ReadFile(ByVal cExcelFileName As String, ByVal cSQLCon As String)
Dim dtTempTable As New DataTable
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(cSQLCon)
'query that is used to create empty dataset
Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT table1.Field1, table1.Field2 FROM table1 WHERE (((table1.JobId)=Parameter1))"
'return datatable from spreadsheet
dtTempTable = readExcelSheet(cExcelFileName, "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]")
Dim drTempRow As DataRow
Dim myAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, myConnection)
Dim myCB As New SqlCommandBuilder(myAdapter)
myAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
myAdapter.Fill(ds, "tmpImp")
'loop through all the rows in the excel datatable
For Each drTempRow In dtTempTable.Rows()
Dim dr As DataRow = ds.Tables("tmpImp").NewRow()
'set field values
dr("Field1") = drTempRow("Field1")
dr("Field2") = drTempRow("Field2")
'add row to dataset
'dataset to hold changes
Dim ds1 As DataSet
If ds.HasChanges() Then
'get the new rows
ds1 = ds.GetChanges()
'update original table (the one used in sqlSQL above)
myAdapter.Update(ds1, "tmpImp")
End If
End Sub
Many thanks!
I had exactly the same problem a while ago. I coded a windows services which monitors a directory (in my case an ftp directory) and if a new csv file is available, the service bulk imports it to the database and delete or backup the csv file. I did it as a service because it has to run without a user logged in on the server.
Please let me know, if your problem still exists. I could send you some code.