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Crud operation mvvm

1 Answer 98 Views
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Marco Teodoro
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Rank 1
Marco Teodoro asked on 21 Apr 2011, 03:40 PM
Hello Telerik Team,

I need to implement a Crud on a grid whit combobox and datetime pickers for a specific column.

image a sales grid, i want to be able to add a new sale row and edit it on each field.

take this as example:

column 1 client -> combobox on edit or create mode.
column 2 date of sale -> datetimepicker
column 3 Employee -> combobox
column 4 Price -> radinput.

how can i switch between modes on a pure mvvm, without any view code behind.

Can you provid-me a sample please.

Best Regards,


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Telerik team
answered on 22 Apr 2011, 08:41 AM
Hello Marco Teodoro,

May you specify your requirements a bit further - do you want to display a RadComboBox only when an item is inserted ? If that is the case, you may take a look at this forum thread for a reference. Else, please provide a bit more details on the scenario you want to achieve.

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Marco Teodoro
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