What the code below does is show a mappinpoint with a different image depending on its sitetype binding. But what i also want todo is also display some text above the pinpoint indicating the name of the location (l.Name)
Using mapp.Text = l.Name has no effect. Any idea how i can create a text property which displays above the pinpoint.
Also any idea how todo draw balloons e.t.c as shown on this demo http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#Map/DataBinding but in the code behind and not the xaml ?
Its basically what i want. Pinpoint at certain zoom levels and then pinpoint + baloon or text and different zoom levels.
See code below.
MapPinPoint mapp = new MapPinPoint();
mapp.Width = 50;
mapp.Height = 50;
MapLayer.LocationProperty, l.Location);
mapp.Text = l.Name;
MapLayer.SetHotSpot(mapp, centerSpot);
ToolTipService.SetToolTip(mapp, l.Name);
Binding binding = new Binding("SiteType");
binding.Source = l;
binding.Converter =
new NodeSiteTypeImageConverter();
MapPinPoint.ImageSourceProperty, binding);