I coding below . I can convert file but document file inside textbox , these textbox can't convert to pdf file and document file inside picture alignment fix positing on page but can't convert to pdf file. I am using below code and I got empty page after convert pdf file. Because my doc file inside picture and textbox.
I try other document file include pic (in line with text ) and not include textbox. These file can get correct format with pdf file.
My Coding.....
Dim fileFormatProvider As IFormatProvider(Of Flow.Model.RadFlowDocument) = New Flow.FormatProviders.Docx.DocxFormatProvider()
Dim documentToConvert As Flow.Model.RadFlowDocument = New Flow.Model.RadFlowDocument()
Using input As FileStream = New FileStream("H:\\Files\\Testing.docx", FileMode.Open)
documentToConvert = fileFormatProvider.Import(input)
End Using
fileFormatProvider = New Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Pdf.PdfFormatProvider()
Using output As Stream = New FileStream(pathpdf, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
fileFormatProvider.Export(documentToConvert, output)
End Using