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Hi Telerik,
I have a grid that displays a decimal? type property called Quantity
which is formatted to string based on another boolean property AllowDecimal.
I use an extended String property FormattedQuantity with the ff logic.
if (AllowDecimal)
return string.Format("{0:0.000}", value);
return string.Format("{0:0}", value);
I also use a Textbox in the ColumnCellTemplate to display the converted string.
But to enable number/decimal filtering (not string filtering) such as
e.g. Quantity Column displays
And when I try to filter, the numbers displayed are not formatted (see attached image)
How is it possible for the filter popup to display the formatted value based on a condition while binding the decimal property?
I have a grid that displays a decimal? type property called Quantity
which is formatted to string based on another boolean property AllowDecimal.
I use an extended String property FormattedQuantity with the ff logic.
if (AllowDecimal)
return string.Format("{0:0.000}", value);
return string.Format("{0:0}", value);
I also use a Textbox in the ColumnCellTemplate to display the converted string.
But to enable number/decimal filtering (not string filtering) such as
- "Is not equal to"
- "Is less than"
- "Is greater than"
- etc.
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="Qty" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Quantity}"/><telerik:GridViewDataColumn.CellTemplate>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding FormattedQuantity}" TextAlignment="Right"/>
...<telerik:GridViewDataColumn >
e.g. Quantity Column displays
- 3.432
- 6
And when I try to filter, the numbers displayed are not formatted (see attached image)
- 3.432000
- 6.000000
How is it possible for the filter popup to display the formatted value based on a condition while binding the decimal property?
- 3.432
- 6