in Wpf we use CommandManager and our own DelegateCommand class.With the little trick descriped in Josh Smiths blog
(http://joshsmithonwpf.wordpress.com/2008/06/17/allowing-commandmanager-to-query-your-icommand-objects/) the UI elements get disabled/enabled when the conditions in the viewmodel change.
CommandManager calls InvalidateRequerySuggested when certain actions happen, for example when keyboard focus changes.
The question is: Is the same true for Telerik.Windows.Controls.CommandManager?
Has anyone tried this yet?
in Wpf we use CommandManager and our own DelegateCommand class.With the little trick descriped in Josh Smiths blog
(http://joshsmithonwpf.wordpress.com/2008/06/17/allowing-commandmanager-to-query-your-icommand-objects/) the UI elements get disabled/enabled when the conditions in the viewmodel change.
CommandManager calls InvalidateRequerySuggested when certain actions happen, for example when keyboard focus changes.
The question is: Is the same true for Telerik.Windows.Controls.CommandManager?
Has anyone tried this yet?