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CheckedItems is Empty

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WILLIAM asked on 08 Oct 2012, 01:20 PM
I'm having some trouble with the CheckedItems list.  I'm creating and setting my ItemsSource which is a list of RadTreeViewItems.  For certain nodes, I'm setting the IsChecked and IsExpanded properties.  However when the control is displayed in the view, both of these properties are ignored.  The nodes where IsExpanded is set to true are not expanded.  When I expand them in the control, the Item that I set IsChecked is true IS actually checked.  But the CheckedItems list is empty.  I tried to programmatically add the item to the list before the control renders, but the the list is readonly.  So my question is: If I can't do it programmatically, what has to happen in order for the items that are checked to show up in the checked items list?  The majority of the time, our users will only look at the tree and use options that have been checked by default.  i.e. our business case is, the view opens, it's checked nodes should show as checked, it's parent(s) should be expanded, and they click a button to submit the checked items in the tree.  But it seems like you are requiring some sort of explicit interaction between the tree the and user.

Thanks for your help!!


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answered on 08 Oct 2012, 01:41 PM

 Are you looking for RadTreeView? This forum is for RadTreeListView. 

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answered on 08 Oct 2012, 01:47 PM
Yes,  Sorry about that.
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