How to change The grid row colour based on some condition in silverlight applctaion
In the grid, any value status="IOP" then the colour need to change to red...How can do that?
Source.Add(New Data() With _
{ _
.DateOf = e.Result(Loopcnt).ETdatedisplay,
.Locate = location,
.StatusOf = Status,
.SpeedOf = e.Result(Loopcnt).ETspeed
TrackGrid.ItemsSource = Source
TrackGrid.IsEnabled = True
I tried the way I mentioned here below ...Nt Success..>requesting the help
For i = 0 To 9
If TrackGrid.RowStyle.GetValue(i) = "IOP" Then
TrackGrid.Foreground = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
End If
In the grid, any value status="IOP" then the colour need to change to red...How can do that?
Source.Add(New Data() With _
{ _
.DateOf = e.Result(Loopcnt).ETdatedisplay,
.Locate = location,
.StatusOf = Status,
.SpeedOf = e.Result(Loopcnt).ETspeed
TrackGrid.ItemsSource = Source
TrackGrid.IsEnabled = True
I tried the way I mentioned here below ...Nt Success..>requesting the help
For i = 0 To 9
If TrackGrid.RowStyle.GetValue(i) = "IOP" Then
TrackGrid.Foreground = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
End If