I have a numeric textbox that looks like this:
Every time someone hits the up/down arrow in the numerictextbox, i want the change event (placeMarker) to run. But it only runs after the person has clicked outside of the numerictextbox, i.e. it loses focus. Is there a way around this?
@(Html.Kendo().NumericTextBoxFor(m => m.Location.Latitude).Decimals(8).Min(-90).Max(90).Step(.01).Format("{0:0.########}").Events(events => events.Change("placeMarker")))
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answered on 12 Jul 2012, 06:33 PM
This is still the case as of 2012.2.710 release, although there is an event called 'Spin' that i can use to do what i need it seems. I need to use both events to call the same function in order to get what i want.
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answered on 17 Oct 2012, 03:09 PM
Is there any news on that? I am facing the same bug and it looks like I need the hack described before too...
Georgi Krustev
the Telerik team
By design the change event of the input widget is raised when the input element looses focus. The change event of the INPUT element has the same behavior. If you need to get value when up/down arrow is clicked use the spin event.
Georgi Krustev
the Telerik team
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
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answered on 17 Oct 2012, 06:23 PM
Hi Georgi,
thanks for the info. Yet I do use the numeric text box along with a template and a list view. Can you give me a hint on how to store the value back in the model when the spin event is triggered? E.g. is there a way to bind to this event?
thanks for the info. Yet I do use the numeric text box along with a template and a list view. Can you give me a hint on how to store the value back in the model when the spin event is triggered? E.g. is there a way to bind to this event?
Hello Jan,
Georgi Krustev
the Telerik team
You can handle the edit event of the ListView and bind the spin event of the numerictextbox there. When the spin event raises you can get the value and update the model.
Georgi Krustev
the Telerik team
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
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answered on 26 Oct 2012, 08:04 AM
Can you give some example of that?
Because, really, it's quite annoying.
In my case, I'm using kendo mobile listview with complex template and I need to automatically save data ether or blur or change event. How I'm suppose to achieve that?
Can you give some example of that?
Because, really, it's quite annoying.
In my case, I'm using kendo mobile listview with complex template and I need to automatically save data ether or blur or change event. How I'm suppose to achieve that?