I'm using RadCalendar for UWP, I'm trying to blackout the future dates on it using CalendarCellStateSelector. while executing it throws an error as below:
SeverityCodeDescriptionProjectFileLineSuppression State Error Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
here is my code I used in calendar.xaml
<tlControl:RadCalendar MonthViewHeaderFormat="{}{0:MMMM yyyy}" MonthViewCellFormat="{}{0:%d}" DayNameFormat="FullName"
Grid.Row="1" IsTapEnabled="True" GridLinesThickness="2" GridLinesVisibility="Both"
CurrentDateChanged="RadCalendar_CurrentDateChanged" SelectionMode="Single"
x:Name="radCalendar" >
and in calendar.xaml.cs
public class CustomBlackoutStateSelector : CalendarCellStateSelector {
protected override void SelectStateCore(CalendarCellStateContext context, RadCalendar container)
if (container.DisplayMode == CalendarDisplayMode.MonthView && context.Date > DateTime.Today) {
context.IsBlackout = true;
Could you please tell me how to fix this issues, I didn't see any errors in stack tracke.
Thank you,