Hi Guys, please a have a guest about get https trafic from my tablet.
Well, I'm trying to get traffic to my instagram from my tablet.
but when I login to my account on instagram from my tablet the only thing I see in fiddler is as follows:
Encrypted HTTPS traffic flows through this CONNECT tunnel. HTTPS Decryption is enabled in Fiddler, so decrypted sessions running in this tunnel will be shown in the Web Sessions list.
Secure Protocol: Tls
Cipher: Aes128 128bits
Hash Algorithm: Sha1 160bits
Key Exchange: ECDHE_RSA (0xae06) 256bits
== Server Certificate ==========
CN=*.instagram.com, O=Instagram LLC, L=Menlo Park, S=CA, C=US
CN=DigiCert High Assurance CA-3, OU=www.digicert.com, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
[Serial Number]
[Not Before]
28/02/2014 21:00:00
[Not After]
30/04/2015 09:00:00
Why can not I see traffic ?
Well, I'm trying to get traffic to my instagram from my tablet.
but when I login to my account on instagram from my tablet the only thing I see in fiddler is as follows:
Encrypted HTTPS traffic flows through this CONNECT tunnel. HTTPS Decryption is enabled in Fiddler, so decrypted sessions running in this tunnel will be shown in the Web Sessions list.
Secure Protocol: Tls
Cipher: Aes128 128bits
Hash Algorithm: Sha1 160bits
Key Exchange: ECDHE_RSA (0xae06) 256bits
== Server Certificate ==========
CN=*.instagram.com, O=Instagram LLC, L=Menlo Park, S=CA, C=US
CN=DigiCert High Assurance CA-3, OU=www.digicert.com, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
[Serial Number]
[Not Before]
28/02/2014 21:00:00
[Not After]
30/04/2015 09:00:00
Why can not I see traffic ?