The title is misleading. I want the tooltip to float on the left side of the bar. But I don't know how to edit the title.
The default of the tooltip for the bar chart is on the right side. I have checked the api for the tooltip in bar, it only provides the styles of the tooltip, but nothing else. I want to reset the location of tooltip to the left side that close to y-axis.
Just create a test demo in Fiddle. In the code, I copy one of demo from DataViz. The tooltip is floating on the right side of the bar when you hover on the bar. However, sometime, there is not enough space to display tooltip on the browser even though the users see it in full screen.
I am looking for modify the default behavior of tooltip in order to float it on the left side of the bar.
The default of the tooltip for the bar chart is on the right side. I have checked the api for the tooltip in bar, it only provides the styles of the tooltip, but nothing else. I want to reset the location of tooltip to the left side that close to y-axis.
Just create a test demo in Fiddle. In the code, I copy one of demo from DataViz. The tooltip is floating on the right side of the bar when you hover on the bar. However, sometime, there is not enough space to display tooltip on the browser even though the users see it in full screen.
I am looking for modify the default behavior of tooltip in order to float it on the left side of the bar.