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Calculate distance between two address

3 Answers 290 Views
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Ker asked on 12 Jul 2010, 08:44 AM
I am doing a silverlight bing map application. In the application it have two textboxes and one button. Does anyone know how to make it to C# code when user input two addresses in the two textboxes and it will calculate the distance between two address.

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Telerik team
answered on 12 Jul 2010, 02:01 PM
Hello Ker,

I have attached the sample solution that builds route between two addresses and displays distance using Bing Map's Geocoding and Route services data.

Andrey Murzov
the Telerik team
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answered on 13 Jul 2010, 03:57 AM
Thank you for your help. However I still not able to get the distance between two address perhap u may like to help me to see what coding I am missing in my code.

//1. User enter the start & end locations and click calculate botton.



// This method accepts a geocode query string as well as a ‘waypoint index’, which will refer to the position our result




// will be stored in results array which indicate either start or end position.




private void Geocode(string strAddress, int waypointIndex)





// Create the service variable and set the callback method using the GeocodeCompleted property.




GeocodeServiceClient geocodeService = new GeocodeService.GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");


geocodeService.GeocodeCompleted +=


new EventHandler<GeocodeService.GeocodeCompletedEventArgs>(geocodeService_GeocodeCompleted);




// Set the credentials and the geocode query, which could be an address or location.




GeocodeRequest geocodeRequest = new GeocodeService.GeocodeRequest();


geocodeRequest.Credentials =


new Credentials();


geocodeRequest.Credentials.ApplicationId = ((




geocodeRequest.Query = strAddress;



// Make the asynchronous Geocode request, using the ‘waypoint index’ as




// the user state to track this request and allow it to be identified when the response is returned.


geocodeService.GeocodeAsync(geocodeRequest, waypointIndex);




// This is the global internal variable where results are stored. These are accessed later to calculate the route.




internal GeocodeService.GeocodeResult[] geocodeResults;








//2. Get the actual coordinates for the locations.




// This is the Geocode request callback method.




private void geocodeService_GeocodeCompleted(object sender, GeocodeService.GeocodeCompletedEventArgs e)





// Retrieve the user state of this response (the ‘waypoint index’) to identify which geocode request




// it corresponds to.




int waypointIndex = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.UserState);




// Retrieve the GeocodeResult for this response and store it in the global variable geocodeResults, using




// the waypoint index to position it in the array.


geocodeResults[waypointIndex] = e.Result.Results[0];



// Look at each element in the global gecodeResults array to figure out if more geocode responses still




// need to be returned.




bool doneGeocoding = true;




foreach (GeocodeService.GeocodeResult gr in geocodeResults)





if (gr == null)



doneGeocoding =








// If the geocodeResults array is totally filled, then calculate the route.




if (doneGeocoding)










//3. Pass the coordinates to web service to get the calculated route




private void route_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)





// Initialize the length of the results array. In this sample we have two waypoints.


geocodeResults =


new GeocodeService.GeocodeResult[2];




// Make the two Geocode requests using the values of the text boxes. Also pass the waypoint indexes




// of these two values within the route.


Geocode(txtStart.Text, 0);

Geocode(txtEnd.Text, 1);




// This method makes the initial CalculateRoute asynchronous request using the results of the Geocode Service.




private void CalculateRoute(GeocodeService.GeocodeResult[] results)





// Create the service variable and set the callback method using the CalculateRouteCompleted property.




RouteServiceClient routeService = new RouteService.RouteServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IRouteService");


routeService.CalculateRouteCompleted +=


new EventHandler<RouteService.CalculateRouteCompletedEventArgs>(routeService_CalculateRouteCompleted);




// Set the credentials.




RouteRequest routeRequest = new RouteService.RouteRequest();


routeRequest.Credentials =


new Credentials();


routeRequest.Credentials.ApplicationId = ((






// Return the route points so the route can be drawn.


routeRequest.Options =


new RouteService.RouteOptions();


routeRequest.Options.RoutePathType = RouteService.






// Set the waypoints of the route to be calculated using the Geocode Service results stored in the geocodeResults variable.


routeRequest.Waypoints =


new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<RouteService.Waypoint>();




foreach (GeocodeService.GeocodeResult result in results)







// Make the CalculateRoute asnychronous request.










//4. Use the returned route to plot on to the map to show the user.




private RouteService.Waypoint GeocodeResultToWaypoint(GeocodeService.GeocodeResult result)





Waypoint waypoint = new RouteService.Waypoint();


waypoint.Description = result.DisplayName;

waypoint.Location =


new Location();


waypoint.Location.Latitude = result.Locations[0].Latitude;

waypoint.Location.Longitude = result.Locations[0].Longitude;



return waypoint;





// This is the callback method for the CalculateRoute request.




private void routeService_CalculateRouteCompleted(object sender, RouteService.CalculateRouteCompletedEventArgs e)





// If the route calculate was a success and contains a route, then draw the route on the map.




if ((e.Result.ResponseSummary.StatusCode == RouteService.ResponseStatusCode.Success) & (e.Result.Result.Legs.Count != 0))





// Set properties of the route line you want to draw.




Color routeColor = Colors.Blue;




SolidColorBrush routeBrush = new SolidColorBrush(routeColor);




MapPolyline routeLine = new MapPolyline();


routeLine.Locations =


new LocationCollection();


routeLine.Stroke = routeBrush;

routeLine.Opacity = 0.65;

routeLine.StrokeThickness = 5.0;



// Retrieve the route points that define the shape of the route.




foreach (Location p in e.Result.Result.RoutePath.Points)





new Location(p.Latitude, p.Longitude));





// Add a map layer in which to draw the route.




MapLayer myRouteLayer = new MapLayer();





// Add the route line to the new layer.





// Figure the rectangle which encompasses the route. This is used later to set the map view.




LocationRect rect = new LocationRect(routeLine.Locations[0], routeLine.Locations[routeLine.Locations.Count - 1]);




// For each geocode result (which are the waypoints of the route), draw a dot on the map.




foreach (GeocodeService.GeocodeResult gr in geocodeResults)





Ellipse point = new Ellipse();


point.Width = 10;

point.Height = 10;

point.Fill =


new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);


point.Opacity = 0.65;



Location location = new Location(gr.Locations[0].Latitude, gr.Locations[0].Longitude);




MapLayer.SetPosition(point, location);




MapLayer.SetPositionOrigin(point, PositionOrigin.Center);




// Add the drawn point to the route layer.






// Set the map view using the rectangle which bounds the rendered route.







private void resetBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)





this.txtEnd.Text = "";




this.txtStart.Text = "";



Telerik team
answered on 13 Jul 2010, 11:29 AM
Hello Ker,

You should not use the Bing Maps services directly. They contain data types which are not supported by our control.
Please, use the BingGeocodeProvider and BingRouteProvider classes which are used in the example I sent.

Best wishes,
Andrey Murzov
the Telerik team
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